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Be careful with your comment. The life of young sinful princess is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Yay for Paragraphs! Sweet Apple Acres is the best place, its the last place your sister's bodyguard expected her to be, until she was unexpectedly teleported somewhere else. He's most likey still there, worrying about how he lost your sister, thinking he was a bad guard...


The first time the young queen was attacked and there was no sign af her bodyguard was the everfree forest, but I would recommend checking the safer areas like sweet Apple aches first.


Go to Sweet Apple Acres


Check sweet apple acres first then your aunt's Castle. Check the safe places first. Also repair your sister's photo.


Travel to Sweet Apple Acres as he might overheard the conversation and wait for the young queen there.


Sweet Apple Acres. If he had been at the castle, he would have intervened during the fight.


Repair you Big Sister's photo ==> Repair your Big Sister's photo


Friendship Castle maybe you can find a spell booknthere while you're at it


Also I just notice she has 666 bits


Sweet apple acres. Also along the way through town ask ponys if they know anyone who can mend photos

Duke Of Donuts

Might as well check Sweet Apple Acres first

Drago Whooves

Sweet Apple Acres sounds like the best place to start with


Sweet Apple Acres would be wise. See if you can use a locating spell with the picture along the way.


Head to Sweet Apple Acres first.


Go to the Friendship castle first. The guard may have noticed something is wrong and return to the location he last saw her.


Go to Sweet Apple Acres first, we'll go down the list from the top. Also if you have any "repair spell" that could repair the image or copy its content to a new clean one, do so.


Sweet Apple Acres


With your infinity magic, you should teleport to Sweet Apple Acres. Why walk when you have this much power


If she want go to Sweet Apple Acers then maybe you can find him ther so... Teleport. But you must think about all opcions... Maybe he heard the YQ is in hospital and he is close? Darkest under lantern how thay say... Btw. You should find way to fix your big sis photo, broken could look a "little bit" untrusty...


sweet apple acress seems the best bet


Although Sweet Apple Acres may have been too crowded at the time of the party, perhaps that would be a good place to start. After Sweet Apple Acres, you should check the Everfree Forest. Also, you're a pretty good artist... but I digress.

Borg Lord

Start with the Friendship Castle, then Sweet Apple Acres. They're closer and you're less likely to put yourself in danger looking there.


Friendship Castle first: even if the changeling bodyguard isn't there right now, if someone else finds him, they'd probably bring him there for questioning. You can inform the guards that if he's found, he's to be treated as an aid to a foreign dignitary, and that his young queen has requested him at the hospital.


Sweet Apple Acres