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//Sorry for late. I was drag to outside by my parent again and just finally back home now...


Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Do not forgive her so easily, she must earn it, give her a chance for redemption, time to become Flurry Heart.

Duke Of Donuts

Hmm, well, she does seems sincere, even though everyone else probably won't agree. I say forgive her, because she is family. Blood is thicker than water.

Gunmetal Gator

It's time for a righteous redemption for what we thought was a cold-blooded princess before.

Borg Lord

Redemption: First, Flurry must apologize to her aunt for attacking somepony under her diplomatic protection. In addition, she must return to the hospital often, to ensure that the young queen doesn't get lonely.


I think so too but it's better for her to earn it. We just don't need to be mean about it. Or hope Young Queen isn't mean about it. Since we will be Furry Heart




Forgive her. After all you are not the monster she thought you were, you are a kind pony, so you decide to forgive her


Hard choices I must say. But I choose to forgive her since she misunderstood what happened back then and the most importantly, she is your sister. Ask her to stay with you as your caretaker until you are heal

Drago Whooves

[Redemption] She attacked you without giving you a chance to explain yourself, forgiveness is possible but it will time time, she can start the 'healing process' by fixing your stuff and then finding pinkie pie to help her plan for your party.


She needs to work for your forgiveness. be sure she is truly sorry so Redemption. Say if she feels like she has show she is sorry then ask her to be your help you.. but you say understand that it was a misunderstanding. Hold your hoof out to her and hug her.


Redemption is the way to go. You can't forgive almost being killed right away.


Redemption having her do a few things while your in the hospital could be good. After all forgiveness will take time. After all it could be a chance for bonding.


give her a hug and a chance to redem herself


restore your father photo (and the rest of your stuff she damadged) would be a good start


Redemption, have her help you establish peace between ponies and changelings. If that happens, then she can be forgiven.


Redemption , get up and give a hug to calm down , tell her that if she struggles , in the very near day , you forgive her of heart


(forgiveness) she didnt know you were there in peace and now that you know she is family it will be easier to reconnect with your father by being forgiving your newly aquired sister you would get a new person to travel with and a new person to talk with


Think it should be a bit of all 3: Play as Flurry Heart. Young Queen forgives her saying that her kind doesn't have the best track record with ponys, but would like to rest for a while alone. Flurry filled with sorrow and grief wonders town trying to find something to help 'young queen' get better/forgive her since she doesn't believe she should be forgiven that easy. Flurry runs into Twilight who conveniently has a list of items she needs collected to help the young queen properly heal as some of her wounds will take longer then normal to heal. Flurry takes the list saying she'll find the stuff and sets off. Twilight having overheard Flurry Hearts confession to having hurt the young queen while internally very angry has decided to let things play out to see what happens, she also hide some 'helpful' chores on the list for Flurry to do as well.


Ask her if she can help you restore your photo or get a new one of your farther also ask if she would like to take a picture with you.


Sorry, dear. But only "action" that you can choose. The "result of action" is under my control. And you can't choose all of choice...



Dark Forge

Tough choice but I would choose forgiveness. Have them embrace and be a true family.


[Redemption] We can forgive her true, but she must also forgive herself. If redemption will help her, then that is what I choose






My initial thought was forgiveness, but I have the perfect idea for a task for her, so [Redemption]. Invite her up to sit on your bed and ask her to share the apples with you while you talk. Explain that this sort of incident is EXACTLY the sort of thing you want to prevent by opening up better relations between ponies and changelings. Your sister didn't attack you because she was mean or evil, she attacked because the only thing she had ever heard about changelings came from a book that said they were all terrible, scary monsters who eat love and always lie. That being said, you want her to be... not immediately murderous... to other changelings too, and not just you because you're sisters. SO, tell her that somewhere nearby, there a changeling bodyguard who's been following you. Your sister's task is to find this changeling, and tell them that you're okay, but wish to speak with him, as you have a message from your aunt for him to take back home. And if the bodyguard should be in trouble, ask her to please protect him.


[Redemption] also you tell her to come close and then you lean in and kiss her on the head saying that everything is ok. And now u know that she's your little sister you still love her. And tell her never forget that.


I also think a Naughty queen log coming. Forgiveness incest sex? Just a hunch or I'm guessing.


Redemption. She needs to gain your trust after what happened.


Mercy - [Forgive]







Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-22 21:30:19 本当にラブライブのイラストも描いて下さるとは! このままサンシャインや虹ヶ咲のデカ尻も拝みたいところです♪
2016-04-23 20:39:23 Forgiveness.



Redemption. Forgiveness can only do so much to stop the guilt and sadness, it would be better to allow Flurry to forgive herself by helping you in this time of need. But first give her a hug and ease her suffering




personally i think she should be punished as a royal she should composed herself better, and not imidetly resort to violence, especially when your target refuses to attack for so long, but perhaps she could redeem herself but it would be alot of work, plus she did destroy your precious photo of her mother and father,


she can redeem herself be telling twilight herself what happened,


Punishment. Guys you are way too linear. Try to be interesting for once ;)


You're still apprehensive about just forgiving her. After all, she did just try to kill you. However, you also see that she wants to make it up to you, and you can't let that go unnoticed. You are kind hearted and want to forgive your sister. But you can't just let her go as if nothing happened. And if she's willing to make up for what she's done, you can't just let her get punished if she truly wants to help. [Redemption] Being stuck in the hospital, you can't do the tasks that you set out to do. So ask your sister to finish the tasks she needs finished. Also, ask her to consider telling Twilight the truth herself (while in the hospital so that you can explain to Twilight yourself so that she'll go easy on your sister and let Redemption be her "punishment").


And then Young Queen winces in pain from the injuries as they hug. (Seriously, if I were doing this, I'd do the hug with the inclusion of wincing in pain just to add a little lighthearted humor.)


If she wants you to forgive her she must fix all your stuff she destroyed


Her only guilt was this: "She think you hurt somepony who is her family... Important". She try defend them because she thought they were in danger. Sometimes we do something bad but we think its good. There is no excuse for how much hurt you but it still excuse why... Love is very "funny" thing. Love defeat your mother, love give power... And that same love make your half-sister thinks you hurt somepony she loves. But you can forgive her. Its easy to hate someone who hurt you but you are stronger when you forgive her mistakes.

Tantor the Holy

Redemption. I would say Forgiveness, but I don't think Flurry Heart would accept it without doing something to make amends.


Redemption. You forgive her for what she did, even though she almost killed you. She had good reasons for mistaking you as an enemy, but she needs to learn to better control herself for she is an alicorn and represent pony leadership. All this wouldn't have happened if your intentions of building up good standings between ponies and changelings were know within pony leadership and pony society as a whole. Now, you ask her if she is willing to help you with this task of spreading changeling's will for a peaceful diplomatic consensus between both nations. Surely this is a goal that will require years of work, but if she wants she can start right away while you recover. Contacting the other princesses might be a good start, considering she is herself an alicorn.


Getting punished is a bit easy I think, you get your lumps and that's it, she just found out she almost killed her older sister, I think trying to gain​ some trust would be harder for anyone to do. But I agree she should get some form of punishment​.



Rose Lapin

I don't think that Flurry deserves to be punished. She's just a child and was acting out in blind rage. She went on what she knew about Changelings and while she was wrong, she was only acting in defense. However, I don't think she should just be forgiven immediatley. SHe's definitely still in the wrong for attacking so hard when YQ wanted to mercy. So I'm goign with REDEMPTION as my route. It's a bit of both. She's forgiven in that she doesn't have to face Twilgiht about it. But she's not 100% off the hook. P.S. Loveless, I know the rules about them, but I think that ALL three of the pathways could make for some very fun NQ logs (not saying what that is in case there's some foals or those that don't like that in the crowd), so if you feel up to it, it'd be cool :P I know that they come at your discretion, but just saying, all three sound like fun opportunities :D


redemption; make her her cut apples and tell you about your father every day until you are able to walk again ;) cause staying alone in the hospital will get boring.


forgive her she is only a child she was scared


Redemption, and she needs to tell Twilight what truly happened.


Well.....redeption sounds good, but it'd be best to just forgive as she was just trying to protect those she cared about. Best to take the high road


Loaded Dice...... In this situation...... Punishment and Redemption. The story needs to be told even if you yourself will get in trouble for the illegal weapon. And if Flurry Heart is truely sorry then she shouldn't mind helping you while you recover. I wish I could say forgiveness BUT, that wont help your fear of her or change the situation that both you and her will get punished for.


Forgive her but have her send a letter with hers and twilight's roil seal to y'all's father and her mother to tell them that she is fine and what your intentions are, and have her fix your photograph of your mother and y'all's father. But make her do the most DIABOLICAL thing imaginably; MAKE HER SHARE THE APPLE WITH YOU.

Julius Costa Peters

forgive you half sister after all a good family forgive themselves and ask her for her name and if she is on par to accompany for the rest of your journey so you can know each other better

Ryan Sinclair

she literally tried to kill you! you have to tell Twilight. (Punishment)


Punishment. When you go off the rails like that there must be consequences. Though you can ask Twilight to have her accompany you to the Crystal Empire on foot as a punishment. Allowing us to see Equestria, and interact with its citizens.


Redemption, give her hope, but a big sister should always teach her younger life lessons.


Redemption, if only for the chance to play as Flurry Heart :)

Lokitty the Immortal

Redemption, you can't blame her for not believing you, but forgiveness isn't worth anything.


Probably best to forgive her... Its best if she helps you of her own accord, if you make het help you that can only lead to resentment later on.


Have her tell Twilight what happened and explain both sides, keeping this a secret from Twilight will only lead to worse repercussions for both her and Flurry. Flurry was definitely in the wrong since she tried to murder you, while ignoring your acts of mercy. But this could be a good learning experience for Flurry as all her actions as a princess have powerful impacts especially if those actions were made based of books and word of mouth rather then personal observation. Once Flurry has faced the repercussions (and you have faced yours) Then forgive her.


Punishment, attempted murder of a diplomat is far too serious to forgive easily.

Aaron Dain

I think you should forgive her and help her learn from this mistake. Be a good big sister and help your little sister learn from this event.