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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Quickly show her your diplomat's badge and if that doesn't work try and talk to her but keep your eye out for an escape route. If things go south your aunt is the best hope to fix the situation.


[Use Item] ==> Father's Photo, Show her & Plead with her, Make her understand that you are her half-sister!


Ask Black Vine to go get Zecora. You need to get help!


It looks like she thinks you're a bad guy showing her your diplomatic badge or your photo of your father probably won't work right now but.. ACT: try talking to her then show her the badge and then try telling the truth of why you're here. As a young Queen you need to stand up on your own four legs but fighting is a last resort. You feel your anxiety about messing up beginning crawl up your back. A flash of The Nightmare you had a while back it's at the end of the back of your mind adding to your fear.

Duke Of Donuts

Plead for mercy, it is all a big misunderstanding! Show her the badge and the photo. Tell her that your just looking for your father, Shining Armor.


Evade any attack she throws at you and try to talk to her, show her you are not the bad guy


Talk to her, tell her it's all a misunderstanding and you do not want to fight, and if she is calm, tell the truth, that your intention is to meet your father


Try to talk, if that fails summon the vines to restrain her till you can explain. P.S. Knowing you'll soon see your dad fills you with determination.


Offer her your first aid kit to help Starlight with, maybe that will calm her down enough to explain yourself.


I'd use Item... first try the photograph to convince her that you share the same father. If that doesn't work, use the diplomatic tag to show that you enjoy Twilight's protection and blessing.

Julius Costa Peters

ask for mercy then talk your situation to the filly soon both you find a surprising thing about your father maybe your yet to know half-sister can make the tings more easy


ACT! I mean talk to her first.


Use the Badge to show your not a bad guy. Twilight should have sensed the large magic influx and would probably be heading there way to investigate anyway.

Javier Farsaci

Try for diplomacy, but if that doesn't work use your sword to block her attacks.


to stop all action who could lead ultimatly to a drasticly diplomatic incident you have to do something totaly unexpected harmless but choking enought to stop the filly and make her question the real situation. If you can't find anything stand proud and hight and state your name, those of your parents (both), your diplomatic mission and ask for the well being of starlight. If after that the filly still attack you or don't let you the time to speak surrender and stand still even if she hits you do not fight back! But don't ask for mercy, it would confort her in her mischief.


show the badge to her and explain what happened

Gunmetal Gator

Time to go Undertale on her. Mercy with open arms to her no matter how close the blade is.


Call for help from aunt Twilight.


[use item] summon secret stash and us sleeping dart on yourself.


Show her your necklace and explain to her.


If not run to twilight or someone that knows u.


Show your diplomat necklace


Do not show the necklace, she'll think you are trying to fool her and that you just stole it. [Use Item] Your best move is to drop the first aid kit for her to use on Starlight. Tell her you won't move and ask her to call for twilight, surely she as an older alicorn will cool things down.


Talk with her and maybe she will drop the weapons if not be prepair for blocking her attack


Show your diplomat necklace


[Show Mercy] Surrender, try to explain the situation.


Sisters shouldn't fight. [Use Item] Show her the picture and the necklace. Explain your mission. If you can convince her then perhaps she can help you with your father.


Show the diplomatic necklace, your picture, and explain the situation

Drago Whooves

[Ask for mercy] and tell her to ask twilight, she can explain everything


Yield/[Ask for mercy] and show her the diplomatic necklace, saying this is a misunderstanding, then [talk], saying that this isn't what it looks like, you don't mean anyone any harm, and you can, in fact, explain everything.


SLEEP DARTS! QUICK! If you put her to sleep maybe you can manage to better restrain her so that when she comes to you can better explain. You can even tell her that you'll untie her if she promises not to attack you and to hear you out. Sure it will seem quite a villain move but it's a risk you gotta take.


[Talk]/[Use Item] You have you're aunt's diplomatic necklace. Explain how it would be impossible to know what that necklace was for unless Twilight trusted her with that information. If that doesn't work perhaps you could show her the picture of your father. Even if it doesn't stop the young alicorn from attacking, it may allow her to reconsider fighting you with her full power. Do anything you can do avoid fighting, because you're energy is too low.

Borg Lord

Use the diplomatic necklace! Then talk.


First try use your necklace and explain situation. Suggest to her to call Twilight and check your words. But if it don't help, do like in situation with dragon - cast light spell on your sword to blind her and run for help.


Show her the Diplomat Necklace. Tell her Twilight will help explain what is going on.


Ask Mercy/Use Item: At this point it would be best to surrender and try to explain the situation! Give the first aid kit to the alicorn and ask her to use it to help Starlight who should then be able to help explain or summon Twilight to tell her everything. Asking the attacker to help her should show her that you are not a threat and as a sign of good intent


Ask for Mercy, whilst showing her the Diplomat Necklace, and she will most likely refuse to listen anything that you have to say otherwise. If she still refuses to listen, then escape or attempt to buy some time until somebody else shows up to prove your innocence, hopefully Pinkie with a surprise party of sorts.