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Rose Lapin

I acutally don't know if the cheap shot is the right move. It might not be a male. Stomach attack, by transforming into Earth Pony and attacking with a buck into the belly.


Attack his stomach with the shovel?

Zosimos Wreden

You're too small. Transform into a Pegasus, fly to its belly, and give it a good buck. or You're too small. Transform into a Griffon, fly to its belly, and give it a good scratch or bite. No cheap shot.


attack with both wood sword and shovel sword

Ryan Sinclair

I would actually say use the blank vines to restrain him it might not do much but he won't see it coming and it might hold him long enough to get another attack in as well preventing you from getting stomped on by him.


I say transform into a water dragon and give them a belly full of a hydro blast! But using the black vines to restrain the hydra sounds like a possibly good idea as well.


Transform into water and use hydro blast while using black vines to restrain the hydra.

Borg Lord

This time, let's not burn our surprise round transforming; attack the belly with the swords.


Use cross attack on the underbelly with both swords


use both swords with bird samurai right where it hurts

Julian Fratzscher

Attack where the three necks meet, definitely a weakpoint.


Cross attack the underbelly


transform to a roc and attack the belly

Agrith Zaylum

Attack where the necks join together


Attack center point of neck with both weapons. Long slashes so it can cause damage to each neck's breathing tubes.