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"It tickle and hard to clean"

Base on SCP-682 : http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-682
Simple version : https://mangamelon.com/chapter/oversimplified-scp/chapter-4

Warning : This story contain Dark Humor, Fantasy Violence , Suicide Thought, Self-Inflict, Self Conflict, Death and Drama. So please read with caution.

Warning :Some of my SCP may difference from the original.

Warning : This stunt is performed by an immortal being. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME...

Naughty extra panel is a time-exclusive for $10 patron that can be found early on Dark Side Of Hive Mind Discord https://www.patreon.com/posts/dark-side-of-14972794

Or on my SubscribeStar website as $10+ supporter subscribestar.adult/vavacung

First Page : (Comic) Passive Death Wish Cover
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Ah the joys of 'D' class existence.

Shadow Moon

If at first it doesn't die fire again and again with bigger bullets