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"Oh! It's tea time! Mmm...This tea seem a little tingle. I like it."

Base on SCP-682 : http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-682

Warning : This story contain Dark Humor, Fantasy Violence , Suicide Thought, Self-Inflict, Self Conflict, Death and Drama. So please read with caution.

Warning : Art is a mirror of artist mind. Mirror is fragile. Please handle with care.

First Page : (Comic) Passive Death Wish Cover
Previous Page : (Comic) Passive Death Wish Cover
Next Page : --- Tonight (Thailand Timezone) ---




Huh, a cute version of scp-682... this could be interesting...

Zosimos Wreden

Might add some Solanine and a dash of Zyankali? If you didn't already do. And maybe some 99% chocolate, for the taste, and Ethylenglykol for sweetness? =O Edit: Possible to make a dessert out of it, for the next try? <.<a

Shadow Moon

Oh my.... theres never been a time id ever call this creature cute.... but you made it cute.... what sorcery is this?!