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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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Agree to the duel, but only if the two of you are fully rested and prepared. Its the honorable thing to do


But what if you win? and you would need to healed and given love for the duel to be with both participants starting at peak condition.

Ryan Sinclair

try and negotiate a better deal


Agree and force the brute to accept that if we win, he can never challenge them over this ever again AND accept them, heritage and all




Yes but set your side of the deal if you win you get to decide whether or not you'll cancel this in exchange if any more evidence comes out about your mother being the main cause of the strife for the dragons that you will deal with it.

Borg Lord

Accept on the condition that the duel only happens after everycreature is fully rested; it's only fair.


Accept on the challenge on condition everyone being rested and fully condition to fight.


We have to state our terms as well: Personally, I think Regis should be allowed to fight as well, as the dragon has grief against him as well. But at the very least, we're currently injured and low on love, while he seems to be at full strength. A duel won't count if one of the players is already weakened. We should be allowed to rest, get our injuries tended to, and have our love restored. If possible, we should prepare for the duel as well. Summon the Bird Samurai and make sure she's using the Wooden Sword so that Nobody won't attack her, as well as borrowing a shield from the Changeling Army, preferably armour as well if it fits us.


Fight on


guys what if Regis was all right with the marriage, or something else, we surd get her to say that, if Regis wants to call the marriage off or not, is up to him to choose as long as the fighting stops, either way is fine with her


"Very well. A marriage for a marriage. If I win, *you* will marry a changeling."