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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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Send someone to check up on prince with the vines


Tell them that the vines can take them to the Prince... and that your willing to go along with them to prove that your not lying.


Tell then that Regis is at Ponyville Hospital. You can send someone close to the prince but that you need to get some love to do so.


tell them you can bring them to Regis, but he is in Ponyville, so they will have to behave


Tell them that, the last you heard, Regis was taken to the Ponyville Hospital. Tell them that you can send someone to look for him, but that it takes love, and that you haven't tried transporting anything as big as a dragon, but that you're willing to try. Ask if any of the dragons have had experience dealing with Ponies, and could talk to them without terrifying them and causing a panic. If not, then ask if the dragons trust any of the changelings to go check on him? (They have been working together for some time now, maybe they trust each other enough for this? But maybe they're still too suspicious...) Unfortunately, if you go yourself, you'll have to come back the long way...


tell them that, you called your vine friend to take regis to safety well deep in water to save him, then when you celled them again they say that regis was taken to ponyvilles hospital to be look over to make sure he is good and alive, then tell them that you go with the dragons to ponyville alone just you and the dragons no other changels will come and ask the dragons to be nice to the ponys when they get there