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And so it was proclaimed, that the marriage between the only unicorn in Crystal Empire and the king’s own daughter was to take place a week from that moment, as first came the Royal Cute-Mark Ceremony (A ceremony that happens when one of royal family gains their cutie mark, realizing their talent), to celebrate Crystal Heat’s cutie mark finally appearing. But after 1 week, the Captain of the Crystal Guard and Princess Crystal Heart were happily married in one of the biggest and most celebrated empire-wide events that the Crystal Empire was unlikely to surpass in magnitude for a very long time.

With the king still residing over the empire, the young prince and princess lived together in Crystal Castle, and after 11 months, Prince Sombra witnessed his love, Princess Crystal Heart, give birth to the future heir of the Crystal Empire. She was a beautiful pink-coated Pegasus filly with a lovey tri-coloured mane consisting of the colours: vanilla, magenta and violet.

To calm the citizens of the empire from any rumours, Prince Sombra gave reasoning why their heir was born as Pegasus, despite none of her parents being one. He assured the citizens that the reason for their daughter being a Pegasus was because his own father was Pegasus, while his mother is Unicorn, thus giving the genes necessary for her Pegasus birth…But he didn’t answer why her coat and mane were such unique colours and to this day, it is a mystery that nopony knows.

Both the Prince and Princess lived on normally, taking good care of their child together with the help of their maid friend "Citrine" as they waited for the time to come…The time when Crystal’s father would retire as king of the Crystal Empire and would crown Prince Sombra and Princess Crystal Heart as the new King and Queen of Crystal Empire, where they would bring the Empire to a new golden age, by ruling together with love...


This is my third Picture Series, dears. It is an original story that I have come up by myself this time. It isn't based on any story out here. [Or it might be similar to some story that I never read before...I'm not sure].

Beware, This is a mature story. Content includes romance and erotic themes. You have been warned...

*Proofread Completed*




*Huge Round of Applause* Another Masterpiece that you should be proud of!