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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Someone in the back ground watching find out who it is.

Gunmetal Gator

Go to Spike. Those two will make up, I am sure of it.


There's no guarantee you'll catch up to Spike, you know where he lives anyway, but you can keep your promise to DD by going to see if he will recover from his injuries.


Go get Spike. If the Diamond Dogs cannot make up, maybe Spike will be willing to help.


Since DD is safe you should go after spike


Follow DD you promise to help him


I see that Black Vine is still an ability, so use them to get Spike. Also, that way you can see the Black Vine and apologize for getting him hurt.


Go a D get Spike, maybe he can help your friends too


go too spike maybe he can help you


Shoot at spike to get his attention and morph to let him know it's you!!! be carefull to not hit him but to make him notice you!!


If you miss go after spike you have no more urgent business with de dogs.


If you miss go after spike you have no more urgent business with de dogs.


Grey and DD are injured, and you can count on Spike returning to Ponyville at some point in the future. Go after DD.


Go after the Dogs; they need your help, and both are injured (either directly or indirectly) because of you. Spike will EVENTUALLY be back in Ponyville. Worst case scenario, we can find him there. Try Shouting to Spike to get his attention, but go after DD.


Follow Spike. Save your love and revert to regular form, but be sure you are wearing the necklace Twilight gave you.

Drago Whooves

go after the dogs, you can find Spike later in Ponyville, who knows he might follow you.


go after the dogs


go after the dogs, they are wounded and need your help


You can't in good conscience leave DD and Grey Dog while they're still in need of medical attention and you have a med-kit that can help. And you can always find Spike later. So follow DD and Grey Dog.


Tough choice. I mean you're only here looking for Spike anyway and he's right there and you don't wanna lose track of him again, but can you really leave the dogs? You could help the dogs and hopefully Spike's scent will still be fresh enough that they could help you follow it. But your love may not hold up long enough when with the dogs to stay in disguise and who knows what will happen. As cruel as it is, I say go after Spike. This squabble that the dogs are dealing with is theirs and you were only here looking for Spike anyway. And maybe you can get Spike to help you save the dogs too.


caught up with spike first since you know where the dogs live and can easily go back after you dont wanna lose him