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*Sound of a Hoof Punching Sombra’s Check*

The King : How dare you commit such a treasonous act!! Why have you impregnated my pure-hearted daughter!! I entrusted you to protect my child! But you…You have corrupted her with your sickening sexual desires!! * After he had listened to the entirety of Sombra’s honest story, the king was extremely angry as he roared at Sombra after he had punched his hoof so hard on his cheek, that it left a sustainable mark, it had also caused Sombra to fall away from him onto the floor.*

Crystal Heart : Father! Please don't hurt him!! It's not his fault!! It was my fault! I was the one who asked him to have sex with me! It was me who didn’t tell him that I was in heat! *Crystal Heart hurried to Sombra, helping him up from the floor as she looked at her father with tears in her eyes. She was scared of her furious father*

The King : You don't need to pretend it was your doing just to protect him Crystal!! He must of made you do it! Did he force you to have sex with him!? You shouldn’t even know anything about sex! You can't ask somepony to do something you don't know!! *The king was beginning to become confused, he wanted to understand why his daughter was so adamant in protecting him?*

Crystal Heart : But I did know father! At first…I didn’t know anything about sex, but one day in biology class, I discovered that animals have something call mating and mating season, which involved an action between male and female animals. So I thought…That maybe…Ponies might experience the same thing...So I asked him to do it for me...with me...

The King : *Grinds teeth*(That teacher! I told him not to teach anything about sex-education to my daughter! But he had no problem teaching her something about animals mating!?!) *He thought to himself in his mind. He thought that it must have been the personal teacher who he had assigned to teach his daughter only subjects that received his permission. He didn’t know that Crystal Heart had actually meant that the biology class from actually just a period of reading a biology book that she had collected from outside her tower one time when she had snuck away.

Crystal Heart : Father...Please…May I marry him? We have actually been secret lovers for a while now...Even going on secret dates together… *She looks at her father with a pleading face, with big adorable eyes that had won Sombra’s heart long ago. Now she was using it on her father.*

The King : You want to WHAT!?! *Unfortunately, the King appeared to be unaffected by her eyes. He averts his gaze towards Crystal Heart…It was not the caring look a father would normally use for his own child…* You can't marry this lowly unicorn!! Your pure heart will become corrupted by him! You are forb- *At this moment, the king was interrupted by his priest, who was standing beside him the whole time. He whispers something important to the King, pointing his hoof at Crystal Heart's flank, once the king realised what was there, he inquired about it* Hmmm...Crystal my Daughter....Is that…your cutie mark?

Crystal Heart : My Cutie Mark? *She quickly turns her head to look at her flank that was blank only this morning beforehand. But now, it had the imprint of a heart, made of pure crystal embedded onto it* Ah!! Father!!! Look!! My Cutie Mark!! I have a Cutie Mark now!! Yeah!! *She jumped around the throne room in joy as she cried her happiness for everyone to hear.*

The King : Hmm…It seems that we have no choice now...Daughter....This must be destiny....I approval your union together Crystal and you shall have my blessing to marry my daughter Sombra. The wedding between the both of you will be happen soon and it will be a most joyous event. *The King sighs in relief. He feared something wasn’t right in the world the moment he knew that Crystal Heart was pregnant. But he became reassured, once he had seen her cutie mark.* One question my daughter, can you tell me when you got that cutie mark? Was it when he confessed his love? When he kissed you, or was it when...

Crystal Heart : It must have been when he FUCKED me!! ^-^ *She smiled brightly as she said that loudly in her innocent voice. Everyone in the room looked at Crystal Heart in shock. Before the king and priest turned towards Sombra who have a goofy grin on his face as he sweated profusely, all the while also slowly backing out of the throne room. Crystal Heart had noticed that everyone was silent after she talked, so she asked* Did I say something wrong? *Tilting her head in confusion*



This is my third Picture Series, dears. It is an original story that I have come up by myself this time. It isn't based on any story out here. [Or it might be similar to some story that I never read before...I'm not sure].

Beware, This is a mature story. Content includes romance and erotic themes. You have been warned...

*Proofread Completed*




It was pretty intense there at first, but I'm glad they all found happiness in the end. ^-^