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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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Seek out her mother's story. One needs to learn each side of a tale before passing judgement.


Say I need to know mother story to know what really happen and she wouldnt kill some dragon without good reason


She would have to give her version of the story then be judge accordingly


Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Tell him that we need to hear her side of it before judgment should be cast. Otherwise, the dragons are no better than the one they are seeking justice from


Time for a trial.

Borg Lord

"Murder" is a complicated concept when politics is involved. I would seek the complete story.

Julian Fratzscher

Fisrt off, we need to find said mother (Chrysalis?) to gather the last information needed. Second, is he currently cuddling the beaten up Roc? Or its child?


Its all a matter of perspective, The task now is to seek the truth, then decide the punishment, every choice has a consequence,


we need to get the moms side then go from there


Tell him that you also wish the truth, even if it hurts.


Put mother on trial for her crimes and find the truth


Tell him that I'd get her side of the story first.


It's the Roc that was beaten up. It looks smaller here because of the position (and because you can't see its body). In log 501 its head was about the size of his hand, same as here. He does seem rather close with that Roc. Guess we don't have to worry about it waking up? Would explain why he's unhurt.


Ali: The truth even it hurt sound good, let get to the bottom of this.