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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




So the truth comes out, his father, the alpha, truly does care about his son DD. This time you will tell him, but only on the condition that you get your stuff back and can come as well to see DD, to ensure his safety.

Duke Of Donuts

I'd say go for it, well, tell as much as you can. You don't know the area very well, so it may be proven to be difficult. Ask to tag along, you don't want any one to be hurt after all.


Tell him but ask if you can go with him say that you know this is a family Affair but you want to see if he is ok. Also ask if you can have your items back.


Agree to tell him and show him the way.


Tell him but ask him if he wants DD to come with you on your adventure to stop him from attacking the territory and causing problems with the pack?


Tell him that you won't tell him where it is, but you will lead him to it... and ONLY him. You'll need your things back as well, of course. Tell him that you understand what it's like to have a... complicated relationship with family, and want to try and help them make amends... but you also consider DD to be a friend, and you intend to be there for him in case things go sour.


I still think you should wait til the time is right then transform to slip away


Take him there and only him.


Don't tell him but you can lead him there in the condition you get your stuff back.


Tell it to him under the condition that he will give you back your items plus safe conduct through the Diamond Dogs Territory.


Ask how many time have past since you get knock out, if it's a long time they some people must be worry and searching for you at this time. Don't agree to his deal and wait tour chance to slip away.


Agree if you can have your stuff back and safe passage through his territory. Ask if he can helo you find your friend.


You agree on telling him where DD is, on the condition to give back your stuff and accompanying him, to make sure those two don't fight

Borg Lord

If DD doesn't intend to try to take control again, the alpha won't harm him. If he does, he'll have to come to the alpha, so it won't matter whether or not his hideout is a secret. That's good enough for me; tell the alpha.


Agree if he back your stuff . If something unexpected happen you still can use vines.

Drago Whooves

Counter-offer, he will return your stuff and you will escort him and only him to DD's hideout, once there you will act as mediator if required, so that no-doggy gets hurt


Accept the offer on the condition that all your items are returned to you. If DD where to come to them and challenge them again, there would be no choice but to fight. However, if he went to DD, there will be no need for fighting. Perhaps you can help DD and his father obtain a peaceful solution without having to go against diamond dog tradition. And since DD is trying to find Spike to teach him, perhaps his father can assist in that.