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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Sniper will check your bags/

Julius Costa Peters

you wake undisguised because of the tranquilizer dart

Drago Whooves

your disguise slips as you are unconscious


Maybe Spike hear the shoot and Look were it come from


You find yourself tied up by your hands and feet with the guard dog looking at you with A mean glare


Can't do anything this time. Must be a big suprise coming! Log 150 Milestone is next!


Tssk ... If you had just used magic to pin a dart on that diamond dog from far, everything would have gone perfectly fine.

Borg Lord

You'll be taken to a cage in the pack's burrow. Clearly the alpha is going to want to know why DD is sending spies.

Duke Of Donuts

You'll probably be taken in for questioning. Best case scenario you will be let go... Worse case scenario, well, let's just say it would probably be the end. Let's hope they are friendly.

Gunmetal Gator

Try to explain that the dog who gave you clothes is not trying to do harm in this land. Explain you are looking for a dragon and ask for forgiveness for intruding. Give the dogs a whimper and puppy dog eyes to sweeten the deal.


Your disguise starts to fade due to not having full control of your body.


You wake up tied up, but still on top of the tower; the dog wants to question you himself about why your cloths smell like his little brother.


Certainly that shot was loud enough for someone else to hear it. I'm sure Spike would've heard it. Normally, I'm sure Spike would've ignored a shot like that. But it doesn't seem to be any other's in the area that the sniper would've shot at. Curiosity getting the better of him, Spike goes to investigate.


you find yourself tied , but still at the top of the tower, and the diamond dog that seeing these conscious, he start to ask you questions

Ryan Sinclair

you find yourself tied, and the diamond dog has taken all your items including DD's shirt and collar for evidence, and he starts to interrogate you.