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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Option 2

Duke Of Donuts

We've come this far, see if you can silently stab him with the tranquilizer dart, with any luck, he'll be knocked out for a while as you survey the area.




On second thought maybe you should try to talk to him he doesn't seem aggressive and being nice to others in the past work for you before


Option 2


Hmm, If he's so chill he sleeps while on duty, he must be a mellow dude. Tell him softy to wake up and keep some distance while you do it. Maybe since you caught him sleeping, you can strike a deal so you don't tell his boss. For your reason, just say you only want to check the surroundings, nothing more.


Option 2.


You don't wanna start trouble if you fail to knock him out. Try negotiating peacefully. If fail resort to plan 2


Well, there's always the more 'persuasive' version of option 1, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge sex implications.


Hmmm, let's keep the stabbing as a (plan B). Wake him up and try to give him the darts; tell him you found them scattered on the ground down by the chest (say it looked like some local wildlife might have been rummaging through it), and so you brought them up to him for safe keeping. Also, say that since you're pack-less, you were hoping he could give the lay of land from up here, since you don't want to accidentally encroach on the local pack's territory.


Option 1 less chance of getting in trouble


Option 1, he looks nice and may be able to help. Tell him you are lost and looking for your friend and just want some help.


Option 2# : Change back to your original changeling form and just pin one of those darts from far with your magic, no risks that way. Then scout around for spike with the binoculars. Take the tranquilizer gun (either replace your magazine by the gun if it is fully loaded, or reload the gun with your magazine) and depending on if you find spike or not, exchange the binoculars by your diamond dog clothes.


Option 2 seems quite convenient...which is unsettling in my opinion. It seems too easy. I suggest option 1. The diamond dog doesn't seem like he'd be aggressive, and even willing to help a young que...lady like yourself. If he wakes up, just be honest and say that you lost your way and want a good view to find out which way to go. Besides, you're desire is to go with the peaceful solutions, right?


Choose Option One! Number Two will get you in trouble for sure and you do'nt have any experience yet using Tranquilizer Darts. So you just should try to talk with him explaining you are lost and need help.


option 2

Gunmetal Gator

Go Option 1 for just being kind and not secretive is your best choice.


Option one. Just be ready to do option 2 if necessary.