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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




Try to talk it out, and answer his questions.

Duke Of Donuts

Well, now that he is on the ground, writhing in pain, you can do some negotiations with him without having to be to concerned about your safety.


Well now that he back off of you you can try to talk to him, but just so you are aware, I'm sure he wont be too happy with you but then again, he was in your face sooo...


Don't loose any time with him!!! You have to find spike before THEY do!! (and be sure to appear to spike in a form he can aknoledge as an allie)


Try to talk but help him relax saying you are truly sorry because you were afraid.


You should run away and turn into another creature, so that the Diamond Dogs are'nt able to recognize you.

Tantor the Holy

Try to talk it out, if you run he would just follow you and even changing into something else won't stop him from tracking you or recognizing you due to your gear.

Julius Costa Peters

run you do not want be near him when he recover of the pain he will be very angry and any diplomatic approach will lost with luck you will find spike in this time if not you have a big problem to resolve.


What do you expect to gain from running away after destroying his balls like that? You would be every Diamond Dog's enemy for the rest of your life, No, this is not how you want to be remembered from an entire race, you want Ponies and Changelings to be untied? Better start small, right here with a young member of another race. He may be irrational for a while because of what you did to him, but nothing ever worth doing was fast & easy, its time to be brave Young Queen, apologize and negotiate by helping him ease his pain, make a friend from another race. Who knows? He might like you enough to vouch for you when travelling through Diamond Dog territory, but especially, because he can stop his fellow Diamond Dogs from hurting Spike if they find him first. Time To Negotiate Young Queen.

Gunmetal Gator

Escape with your tail between your legs. Before you leave, apologize for sudden reaction and say you have to leave quickly. That maneuver is for escape.


Help him back up and say sorry after all your try to make peace with everyone not only the Ponys that live in equestria. Plus you can try to get more friends.


Say you're sorry, and you panicked and acted on reflex when he cornered you like that. Running isn't going to do much good; the other diamond dog is still right there (isn't he?), it'll make you look even worse, and they'll totally chase you. SO, start by asking if you can help him and all, and answering the basics of a few of his question: you're a stray, and you're trying to track down the dragon that digging the holes and get him back to the pony village.


I feel like this could turn real knotty XD

Drago Whooves

he won't be lucid enough to talk right now, you should run


say sorry and meke nogociations


Make sure he knows it was the voices in your head that told you to do it. We say hi!


Now that his stare is no longer causing you to panic, you can now focus. So for starters, apologize and explain that you weren't taught about the male's "weak point". Then help him up and consider negotiating (after asking him not to stare at you so intensely). Afterwords, ask him what he intends to do when he finds the dragon who's digging holes. Perhaps you can simply convince him to ask the dragon to stop without there being any harm done.


Run and try to find spike