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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.




The price remains low so we can come back later, time to leave as the adorable little griffin princess and travel to the farm then. Say hi to Sweetie Bell on the way out! :D If you meet Spike's hybrid daughter, it will be great to see her again, definitely ask for her name. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Just for future reference, if you want to place so much trust into a new person quickly, the outcome may not go as well as it just did, It would be wise to contact your bodyguard soon, maybe right after Spike has been summoned to Twilight. This will give your diplomatic immunity physical enforcement and you will have reliable protection against real danger. I'll be using this comment later,


At the farm try asking Spike if there is any work there to earn some bits.

Gunmetal Gator

Let's visit Sweet Apple Acres. Hybrid will be mighty happy to see us well and hopefully Spike is with her.


Find Spike and possibly work on the farm for bits.


Thank rarity for the offer and say that you'll be back later. Go to sweet apple acres and find spike. Also ask if there is any odd jobs you could do for some bits

Julius Costa Peters

go to the sweet apple acres to find spike an see if there is some job to you to do. so you can get the bits for the scarf

Duke Of Donuts

Well, thank her for the information and tell her you might be back and head off to sweet apple acres. Perhaps you can get bits there, seems like there is plenty to do there.


Well, at least you have a firm quote for a useful bit of gear when you do come into some money. Thank Rarity for her consideration and help, carefully pack away your father's tattered scarf, and head for Sweet Apple Acres. Since you dropped your disguise, you'd better stay on the ground instead of flying, Young Queen. In the air, you could get attacked before someone notices your new diplomat's tag. Besides, this way you get to see just how much work it will be to make your idea of peace work.


thank her and promise to come back once you have the money


Thank her for her help, and head oyt to see Spike.


Ask if she knows anypony that needs work.

Drago Whooves

Ask her in she know if anypony has any job, maybe Pinkie needs a taste tester, you swing by Sugar Cube Corner on the way to the farm.


Thank her for her offer, and apologize for causing her distress by showing your changeling self and family. Tell her that if manage to get that many bits together, you would love to have such a well made scarf from a skilled and generous craftsmare like herself. For now, it's time to go find Spike. I leave it to your discretion whether or not to renew your disguise before heading out.


Maybe there's a few stallions who might be willing to pay for some......assistance. *wink wink*


You apologize to her for being so pushy about the scarf, and also thank her for the very generous offer, she should be sure to have an order with extra bits on if possible whenever you find some bits. You decide to head out to Sweet Apple Acres now, but without any disguise to see how ponies will react, if you catch too much attention just fly away and put a disguise on. Knowing ponies's reactions to changeling is important to see what road is to be made for changelings to be accepted into pony society if it were ever to come.


In that case, transform back into a griffin (it will be suspicious if a different pony of walks out not having walked in) and head for Sweet Apple Acres.


go back to gryphon & head to Sweet Apple Acres


Thank the generous mare and offer to act as a model if she ever wants to make clothing for changelings. After that, change into another form, since other ponies may be apprehensive about your claim of being a changeling diplomat (it's best not to go public unless Twilight herself makes it public), and continue on towards Sweet Apple Acres to find Spike and tell him about Twilight needing him. I'm curious as to why Twilight felt sad when you mentioned meeting him. Do you think she misses him, or could there have been a fight between them? Perhaps if you're lucky, you will run into your new hybrid friend. The two of you seem to get along well...no matter what form you're in.