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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.




Your story moves Twilight and makes her cry


Takes a lot of strength to step up to the plate like that. Happy childhoods give way to great responsibility, mistakes are surely made along the way, but as long as we don't forget the people who believe in you, a better world for all there will come. Twilight has been through the same experiences, she may not cry outright, but at least she will understand your mother now and perhaps be willing to support changeling peace.

Duke Of Donuts

Every decision has a huge impact, a ripple effect that changes how each and everyone lives through the day, especially if you bear a crown. Twilight, being a princess, probably has an understanding what sort of line of reasoning was going through Chrysalis' head, even if she didn't agree to it. After all, Twilight almost caused a war to break out herself. Thus, I think Twilight may be sympathetic towards what made Chrysalis decide such a rash decision.


You look down and wonder about your father's wife you should ask Twilight about her


That is for sure the most moving Part of the whole story until yet!


You bring the pancakes to the table and start to eat while answering her question. You tell her your mother deeply cares about her subjects from drones to proto-queens. She is willing to endanger herself by spying pony's capital instead of sending a drone. You remember her saying regreting that she couldn't find another way to feed her people and make the mistake of invading ponys. You saw her crie a time she thought nobody was around. She always seems sad when looking at the photo of your father. she said if she had a second chance, she would probably use it with peace in mind. But she can’t...Not after the mistake she made. She don’t know if she will be brave enough to face the ponys again. As for her true-self, you don’t know much about the mare under the queen mask. She didn’t spend much time with you because of her duty. But your nanny who also was your mother's maid said that she was a playful mare who loved to play a plank with everyone. An optimist who always had a bright smile on her face. But since your grand-mother passed away from illness, she became the queen in the age where Changelings start to starve from lack of love because every nations where Changelings used to fed started to know about them and chase them aways. That is why she was forced to make an invasion ...You tell your aunt and ask her for forgivness. And hope that she will help you make peace between Changeling and Pony. Because you want to see your mother happy. You want to make her finally smile from true happiness instead of faking it to hide her sadness...


Twilight tells you that your mother is still a criminal in equestria, but that her surrender would gain her sympathy from her and Celestia.


Your story shocks twilight and she says she will talk with the other princesses.

Gunmetal Gator

Twilight steps away from the Young Queen and starts bawling her eyes out hearing about the futility the Changeling race is actually. She's conflicted with her logical mind understanding the current affairs of the government against the changelings with her emotional side wanting to do anything to help the Changelings find peace in the world. However, since you have dealt with Yaks, the emotional side wins for now in your head.


your story moves twilight


Twilight's eyes are definitely a little teary, your story having surprised and moved her. She is a bit embarrassed by how close she is to crying, and tries to change the subject; she asks what, exactly, you hope to accomplish by meeting your father; what do you want from him?


Grammar check: You bring the pancakes to the table and start to eat while answering her question. You tell her your mother deeply cares about her subjects, from drones to proto-queens. She is willing to endanger herself by spying on the ponies' capital instead of sending a drone. You remember her saying she regretted that she couldn't find another way to feed her people and invading the ponies was a mistake. You saw her cry at times when she thought nobody was around. She always seems sad when looking at the photo of your father; she said if she had a second chance, she would probably use it with peace in mind. But she can’t... not after the mistake she made. She doesn’t know if she will be brave enough to face the ponies again. As for her true-self, you don’t know much about the mare under the queen mask. She didn’t spend much time with you because of her duties, but your nanny, who also was your mother's maid, said that she was a playful mare who loved to play pranks on everyone. She was an optimist who always had a bright smile on her face. But since your grandmother passed away from illness, she became queen in the age where Changelings started to starve from lack of love because every nations where Changelings normally fed started to know about them and chased them away. That is why she was forced to make an invasion... You ask your aunt for forgiveness, and hope that she will help you make peace between Changeling and Pony. Because you want to see your mother happy. You want to make her finally smile from true happiness instead of faking it to hide her sadness...


Twilight says although she doesn't agree with what your mother did she can understand why she invaded now. As the Princess of Friendship she would like to befriend the changelings and help make peace between their nations.