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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.




*Rolls eyes*


Oops, can't use enter... Anyway, yeah, that this was going to happen was so obvious. As I said in the last update, she should have asked for help. I know that wasn't one of the options, but still :)


Say you're her niece and apologize about the mess.

Gunmetal Gator

Introduce yourself to Twilight while you both work on fixing your mess.


You can use the "enter" key to move text down if you hold "shift" then hit "enter". Like so.


(Edited for grammar*.) You tried to clean the house for your aunt, but you mess everything up and hurt yourself along the way. Now the room is even more of a mess than it used to be. It turned out like this because you have never cleaned a house before. You are a royal, a princess. So, you usually don't clean rooms by yourself since you have a servant and maid to do it for you. That however, also makes your cleaning skills really bad. You sit in the middle of the room, mad, and wonder why you don’t choose to make breakfast instead since you “Know how to make pancakes”. You trained yourself to make them before because you found out that your mother loves them. She wrote in her secret diary that when she was sping in Canterlot your father usually made them and served them to her in the morning. And they were really delicious. You trained yourself how to make them with the help of your maid because you wanted to see your mother smile again... Smile like in the photo you have of her. Your train of thought ends when you hear somepony suddenly appeared at the room’s entrance and yell, “Spike!?!” It seem like she thinks you are someone else. She seems upset when she finds out that you aren’t who she thinks, and then her look turns to a shocked expression. She asks you who you are and why you are here. It seems like you have to introduce yourself again...

Duke Of Donuts

Oops, oh well. Remove the bucket from your head and introduce yourself, apologize for making a mess and state you just were trying to tidy the place up a bit


Ouch that hurt oh well. Introduce yourself to your aunt being Cristal young Queen of the changelings and apologize for messing up


You try to clean the house for your aunt, but you mess everything up and hurt yourself along the way. Now the room is even more of a mess than it used to be. It turned out like this because you have never cleaned a house before. You are a royalty, a princess. So, you usually don't clean rooms by yourself since you have servants and maids to do it for you. That by consequences, makes your cleaning skills really bad. You sit in the middle of the room, mad, and wonder why you didn't choose to make breakfast instead since you “Know how to make pancakes”. You trained yourself to make them before because you found out that your mother loves them. She wrote in her secret diary that when she was spying in Canterlot, your father usually made them and served them to her in the morning. And they were really delicious. You trained yourself how to make them with the help of your maid because you wanted to see your mother smile again... Smile like in the photo you have of her. Your train of thought ends when you hear somepony suddenly appear at the room’s entrance and yell, “Spike!?!” It seems like she thinks you are someone else. She seems upset when she finds out that you aren’t who she thinks, and then her look turns to a shocked expression. She asks you who you are and why you are here. It seems like you have to introduce yourself again... (Scootaluna if you want me to post it separatly and not in responce of your post feel free to make me know)


apologize to her then tell her who you are.


Remove bucket and introduce yourself and also show her the photo.


Remove bucket and introduce yourself and also show her the photo.


Well, that went about as well as could be expected. So, bucket off head first, then story in most important order: You're her niece, and you're trying to meet your father, Shining Armor. Be sure to apologize for the (bigger) mess; Fluttershy told you to wait (do be sure to mention that she was the one who brought you here), but this was really important and you wanted to make a good impression, and cleaning up a little bit while you waited seemed like the safest (and least suspicious) way to be helpful... You just didn't realize how terrible you are at it.


Well, look who was right about making breakfast! . . . Dammit I'm an asshole. Apologize for the mess, and tell your aunt about your quest.


Making pancakes was too easy, you cleaned not because it was easy, but because it was hard, be proud of your efforts. Now shake yourself dry and regally introduce yourself with the grace of a royal you are. (Don't forget the photo)


First, remove bucket and apologize for the mess, then introduce yourself. Say that you are Young Queen, part of Changeling Royalty, but also you a half-pony and came here unofficial, with private visit for family affairs. Show her photo and tell about your father.


Well Young Queen, if nothing else you have a new appreciation for how hard the cleaning drones have to work to keep things clean. Take the bucket off your head, introduce yourself to Twilight and explain your quest and how you got in her home. And working in an apology for making more of a mess probably would be a good idea as well.


Well, the time has come. Just take it slow and act calm, she may be a princess, but she's still a pony and your aunt. Remove the bucket, shake yourself off (though be careful not to get your auntie wet) and introduce yourself. You may as well show her the picture to show her you are not lying.


Apologise to Princess Twilight for making a mess. then introduce yourself and your quest to find your father.


Explain what happened. How you were trying to clean to make a good first impression for your aunt, but you're not a skilled cleaner. Ask for her help finding your father.