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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.




Let's see what she has to say.


Listen to what this newcomer has to say.


You have a nightmare. You dream about how the fact of being honest nearly end your journey. The event that you nearly fail make you dream of many more bad things. How you can messed up if you are not careful: You might reveal your truth to some unkind being who hate your race and they might imprison you for the rest of your life or use you for some unwilling show. You might make mistakes and make ponys hate your kind more than they already do. Your dream is now full of horrible nightmares and it's scaring you to death. It slowly make you lost faith in being honest and thought you might act more like a Changeling by lying more and avoiding contact with anyone. But then, somepony just come into your dream and remove all the nightmares. You are in disguise as a colt so she don’t know who you really are.


Run to the new pony for safety from the others


The newcomer starters you when she starts to talk to you but you listen curious as to who they are. You also get closer rubbing tears out of your eyes


Or alt The fear and stress built up to a boiling point inside you and something snapped from withing and in a burst of emotion you transformed into the legendary Super Pony with a golden mane and blue eyes, with your strength, speed and endurance increased 50x you kicked all the monsters ass ... maybe the young queen should lay off the anime a little

Duke Of Donuts

Let's listen what she has to say. It can't be worse than it already is.


Be respectful, she looks regal.

Julius Costa Peters

ask her maybe she has a answer for your fears and ask her to help your quest if possible


treat her nice she seems like royality to you

Gunmetal Gator

Thank the mare for stopping the nightmares and ask who is she and what is she doing here in your subconscious.


Thank her for stopping your nightmare.


Ask her who she is and why she is here.


Lets hear, what Luna has to say!