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Dear customer(?).

I have something awful to announce to you. My store and service will be in unusual state until the end of the month. The reason is down below.

First, since last Saturday until today. There have a long Holiday in my country. So my two sibling came home and my parent bring them and me on tour along with some distant relative. We are on tour from morning til sundown for the whole weekend. It left me unable to draw any work. Unable to prepare for future problem I will tell you next.

Second, I have a problem with home internet service. It's because my phone became too old until the application I usually to pay for their service no longer support it. So I can't pay the bill thought phone anymore and I have to go pay it at it store instead. But they don't open on Holiday. So I can't used internet to assist my work at all and I can't upload anywork to internet at well...Although, I may have phone internet. But my computer have no tool to receive it signal at all. (But even if I can connect to internet. I still can't post anything because of first problem)

Third, I have to go to Capital City with my sibling today. It's because my younger brother is one year 4 of university now and he have to go for internships this year. He need an assist with many thing which my older brother who also live in Capital City can't provide since his job not allow too. (He is government employee where the rule is very strict and after the draw back cause by Covid-19 incident + Ransomware infected. He is too needed by the institution). So my parent order me to assist younger brother instead and I have to stay here for a long while. I have to move my workplace to new location and need sometime to set up the studio to suit all I need.

Last, because of my younger brother's internships. There have several thing that I must assist him. The list is below.
- Finding a new mansion that close to his  internships workplace.
- Set up the room with all necessary furniture, item and service for him to live and work (if he have to work from home. We don't know how his internship work yet after Covid-19 incident ).
- Help transport him from the mansion to his workplace on first few day. (For the sake of good first impression)
-  Planing the best public transport that will let him reach the workplace in time or help him to be better in driving in the city.
- Help him familiar with public transport until he can do it on his own.
- Finding the best restaurant and other necessary store need for live close to mansion.
- Help him in case he have a trouble with  internship.
- Set up the studio for myself....

And from all distraction I said above. I want to tell you....I will not asking for personal leave or anything. I will tried to work follow schedule like always. I already prepared some backup work in case something like this happened. But I don't have much of it since I already work full time everyday. So there a chance that I may not able to post anything someday.  Everything I said above is just to help you understand the reason why.

So I hope you understand me.

With respect and love

Regency Queen Overlord Loveless Nova Vavacung



Shadow Moon

Queen needs big hug

Andrew Pam

Please don't worry, do your best and we will still be here for you when you have everything working again!


Things hap[pen that you can't control it happens. Good luck to your brother.