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Daring Do : So you and I...We aren't different at all...We just love adventure... *His penis keeps throbbing*

Ahuizota : Yeah... *Tries to look at Daring Do's face. But her eyes keep betraying her, watching his pole...*

Daring Do : ...... *Complete silence because he doesn't know what to say anymore. But his penis still keeps throbbing*

Ahuizota : ........ *Drooling. Imagining what it feels like to have that pole penetrate her burning sex. How it feels when Daring Do uses it to rut her senseless*

Daring Do : ........ *Stays silent without knowing that his penis is really drawing the attention of his archenemy's eyes. It still keeps throbbing...*

Ahuizota : AUGHHHH!!!!!!!! Bothersome meat!!! Can't you do something to make it gone!?! *Shouting while shaking her head to clear all the lewd images away from her mind*

Daring Do : What!? I can't do anything with my hooves being bound like this!! It's not like I could masturbate like you!! *He shouts back blushing hard*

Ahuizota : No!! I would never do something that lewd in front of someone like you!!

Daring Do : Tell that your tail!!

Ahuizota : Aughh!!! *She just notices that her tail has moved on its own again and reacts quickly to take it away from rubbing her aching slit* Stupid tail!! Stupid handsome stallion!! Stupid awesome cock!!!

Daring Do : Did you just say- *He blushes when hearing his archenemy complain about his appearence and his penis. He tries to say something but reels in shock when Ahuizota draws a knife from her back*

Ahuizota : Maybe if I just cut off your cock and balls I might finally be free from this annoying heat! And maybe the Artifact will stop working because it no longer has a fuckable stallion around!! *Looking at Daring Do's penis with the sharp knife in her hand*

Daring Do : NOOOOooooo!!! Please!!! Don't cut it!! I still need it!!! I don't want to die virgin!!! *Turns himself away from crazy female creature and uses his wing to shield himself from her*

Ahuizota : Then, do something!! Do something to make it gone!! Suck your cock with your mouth!!! *Gets a little drool in her mouth from imagining it*

Daring Do : I-I don't think I'm that flexible!!! >/////[]/////<


Welcome to my new Picture Series, dear. I got inspiration of this picture series from one erotic romance fiction name "Why Ancient Rituals Don't Always Work" that was wrote by musicman722. You can found it here => https://www.fimfiction.net/story/..

I don't intend to copy his idea or anything. But after I read it and see how adorable Ahuizota can be. I just want to make one of my own story too. Story of female Ahuizotle and male Daring Do!! >w<

I use female Ahuizotle that was designed by http://jaquelindreamz.deviantart...

Beware broken English. This pictures series have no proofreader since my current proofreader not comfortable to work for NSWF stuff. But if you be kind and help me fix it by comment to this post. I will be glad and fix it.




English Corrections" Daring Do : So you and I...We aren't different at all...We just love adventure... *His penis keeps throbbing* Ahuizota : Yeah... *Tries to look at Daring Do's face. But her eyes keep betraying her, watching his pole...* Daring Do : ...... *Complete silence because he doesn't know what to say anymore. But his penis still keeps throbbing* Ahuizota : ........ *Drooling. Imagining what it feels like to have that pole penetrate her burning sex. How it feels when Daring Do uses it to rut her senseless* Daring Do : ........ *Stays silent without knowing that his penis is really drawing the attention of his archenemy's eyes. It still keeps throbbing...* Ahuizota : AUGHHHH!!!!!!!! Bothersome meat!!! Can't you do something to make it gone!?! *Shouting while shaking her head to clear all the lewd images away from her mind* Daring Do : What!? I can't do anything with my hooves being bound like this!! It's not like I could masturbate like you!! *He shouts back blushing hard* Ahuizota : No!! I would never do something that lewd in front of someone like you!! Daring Do : Tell that your tail!! Ahuizota : Aughh!!! *She just notices that her tail has moved on its own again and reacts quickly to take it away from rubbing her aching slit* Stupid tail!! Stupid handsome stallion!! Stupid awesome cock!!! Daring Do : Did you just say- *He blushes when hearing his archenemy complain about his appearence and his penis. He tries to say something but reels in shock when Ahuizota draws a knife from her back* Ahuizota : Maybe if I just cut off your cock and balls I might finally free from this annoying heat! And maybe the Artifact will stop working because it no longer has a fertile stallion around!! *Looking at Daring Do's penis with the sharp knife in her hand* Daring Do : NOOOOooooo!!! Please!!! Don't cut it!! I still need it!!! I don't want to die virgin!!! *Turns himself away from crazy female creature and uses his wing to shield himself from her* Ahuizota : Then, do something!! Do something to make it gone!! Suck your cock with your mouth!!! *Gets a little drool in her mouth from imagining it* Daring Do : I-I'm not that flexible!!!


Technically this one is also number 9 not 8.

Robert Prime

Ahuizota : Maybe if I just cut off your cock and balls I might finally be free from this annoying heat! And maybe the Artifact will stop working because it no longer has a fuckable stallion around!! *Looking at Daring Do's penis with the sharp knife in her hand*