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Daring Do : ...... *Sit in silence. Looking anywhere but at the female creature beside him*

Ahuizota : ...... *Do the same and trying hard not to look back at her archenemy. Her hand-tail still be under her crotch*

Daring Do : .....Hey, Ahuizota... *He suddenly speak to break the uncomfortable silence*

Ahuizota : What?... *She flinched because she thinks that she got caught by him. It might be too embarrassing for her if he knew that she masturbate herself with her hand-tail to relieve her heat*

Daring Do : Do you...well.....ever have sex before? *Speak with unsure voice. He don't know if it's good to speak about this while being in this kind of awkward situation*

Ahuizota : Do I look like some kind of a female with a one night stand habit to you? I spend all my time trying to find a ruin and get the lost treasure there before you. I never have time for that!! *Raised her voice because she think he tried to mock her again*

Daring Do : Me too... *He said with low volume. But it was enough for his interlocutor to be heard*

Ahuizota : What!? Don't lie to me, playcolt! A popular pony like you never have sex before! That's funny!! Don't you never have any mare fan who want you to bang them or some partner who want you to relieve their stress!?! You are too handsome to not get laid with anypony!! *She yell at him before blushing when she know what she just call him*

Daring Do : Well. I'm a fiction character to them. They don't even know that I'm real!! They know me only as AK Yearling the writer!! And just like you!! I spend most of my time on adventure and research. Never have time for sex too!! *Yell back*

Ahuizota : So what!?! You still have a lot of chances to get any mare that you come cross in your adventures! This is a Pony Land! A lot of pony around here for you to get to bed with!!.....Unlike me...It's impossible to find my own kind around here...They just never think to leave their forest or communicate with creatures outside... *Her voice slow down after this. She seem kind of sad when thinking about her forest and her own kind*


Welcome to my new Picture Series, dear. I got inspiration of this picture series from one erotic romance fiction name "Why Ancient Rituals Don't Always Work" that was wrote by musicman722. You can found it here => https://www.fimfiction.net/story/..

I don't intend to copy his idea or anything. But after I read it and see how adorable Ahuizota can be. I just want to make one of my own story too. Story of female Ahuizotle and male Daring Do!! >w<

I use female Ahuizotle that was designed by http://jaquelindreamz.deviantart...

Beware broken English. This pictures series have no proofreader since my current proofreader not comfortable to work for NSWF stuff. But if you be kind and help me fix it by comment to this post. I will be glad and fix it.



Robert Prime

Daring Do : ...... *Sit in silence. Looking anywhere but at the female creature beside him* Ahuizota : ...... *Do the same and trying hard not to look back at her archenemy. Her hand-tail still be under her crotch* Daring Do : .....Hey, Ahuizota... *He suddenly speak to break the uncomfortable silence* Ahuizota : What?... *She flinched because she thinks that she got caught by him. It might be too embarrassing for her if he knew that she masturbate herself with her hand-tail to relieve her heat* Daring Do : Do you...well.....ever have sex before? *Speak with unsure voice. He don't know if it's good to speak about this while being in this kind of awkward situation* Ahuizota : Do I look like some kind of a female with a one night stand habit to you? I spend all my time trying to find a ruin and get the lost treasure there before you. I never have time for that!! *Raised her voice because she think he tried to mock her again* Daring Do : Me too... *He said with low volume. But it was enough for his interlocutor to be heard* Ahuizota : What!? Don't lie to me, playcolt! A popular pony like you never have sex before! That's funny!! Don't you never have any mare fan who want you to bang them or some partner who want you to relieve their stress!?! You are too handsome to not get laid with anypony!! *She yell at him before blushing when she know what she just call him* Daring Do : Well. I'm a fiction character to them. They don't even know that I'm real!! They know me only as AK Yearling the writer!! And just like you!! I spend most of my time on adventure and research. Never have time for sex too!! *Yell back* Ahuizota : So what!?! You still have a lot of chances to get any mare that you come cross in your adventures! This is a Pony Land! A lot of pony around here for you to get to bed with!!.....Unlike me...It's possible to find my own kind around here...They just never think to leave their forest or communicate with creatures outside... *Her voice slow down after this. She seem kind of sad when thinking about her forest and her own kind*

Robert Prime

i couldn't tell if you wanted possible or impossible in this sentence ....Unlike me...It's possible to find my own kind around here... possible hear would mean that you have a chance to find them and impossible is that you can't find them. just wanted to let you know my queen