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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.




You think for a minute then ask Who her father is


Ask why she lied to you.


Is a changeling, after all, even if she is an hybrid. Changelings are good tricksters, so she can be lying to you (and actually she did, pretending to be an unicorn). But she also looks like a little filly, not dangerous at all. Maybe you can listen her explanations.


Trusting her right away after this would be stupid, but on the other hand, she is a little filly. At least listen to her explanation. She didn't seem so bad before, and what reason would she have for tricking you? She was probably just worried you'd turn her away.


You are Braeburn. You found a Changeling in your guest bedroom and it seemed like it tried to fillynap your guest. So you tackled it and bound it with a rope. But the filly you just met, whom you allowed to stay in your house, suddenly transformed into something that looked similar to a Changeling, and stood between you and the captured Changeling. She said she was sorry that she lied to you, and told you that she was the young queen of the Changeling hive. She also said that she was a pony-changeling hybrid who was trying to find her pony father. She asked you to let go of the captured Changeling, because it was her friend. What will you do? Plz correct me if there's any problem in there, folks. /)

Lyssiar Oriwen

listen her explication and reflect about. Changeling is good tricksters, but she didn't look like really an changeling. If she's an hybrid between pony and changeling that proved the both is not too different and i ask here to explain more about here story and this intrude.


Hey, here it is my humble suggestion :) You are Braeburn. You found a Changeling in your guest bedroom and it seemed like it tried to fillynap your guest. So you tackled it and bound it with a rope. But the filly you just met, whom you allowed to stay in your house, suddenly transformed into something that looks similar to a Changeling, and stood between you and the captured Changeling. She said she was sorry that she lied to you, and told you that she is the young queen of the Changeling hive. She also said that she was a pony-changeling hybrid who is trying to find her pony father. She asked you to let the captured Changeling go , because it is her friend. What will you do?


She is a kid and she had not reason to reveal her masquerade. Ask what are the other changeling intentions.

Julius Costa Peters

ask about her past to try understand why she is looking for her father from this you will decide their future


You are reluctant to trust, but you cannot harm a filly. The two of them must stay in his house until morning where he will listen to the full story and decide what to do to them. The two agree and sleep while Braeburn watches with caution, yet eventually falls asleep. Morning comes and the three talk


Normally, it's not a good idea to let a changeling go. But the girl seems to be telling the truth. In order to make sure they're not planning something malicious to the town, you'd better ask her who her father is, and why the other drone is here in the house. If she doesn't appear to be covering up anything from you, you may let them take her stuff and leave. -OR- If the girl somehow persuades you that the drone won't bring back a changeling swarm to Appleloosa, you may pretend that the break-in never happened and set her friend free, allowing her to stay for the night. (This is very unlikely to happen though) Anyway, it's unwise to keep a grown changeling in the house, as the guards on night watch may have noticed your fight earlier.


Ask the filly why she didn't say the truth before, understand Her reasons and listen to her story on why she's far away from home