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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Please fixing broken English for me if you have times....*




Clear your throat and approach cautiously. Politely ask if you can share the fire, and if they would be willing to lead you to town. Maybe offer your single bit for a hug, if they are willing to share a little love with you?


Action: you don't want to use any of your love so you make yourself known to the pair and ask you if you can join in the campfire


WAit until they fall asleep, get some love, then hide it out until morning to see if they lead you to town


Ask politely if she can get some love from them.

Gunmetal Gator

Come to the couple and ask them for directions to the nearest town. Then ask if they'll be able to share the fire with you for a little bit.


GAAAAASP, I didn't even think about shipping that :D They seem friendly enough so despite not wanting to disturb their alone time you walk in and try to ask if they can help you as politely as you can so that you don't scare them away.


Try to be cute and cuddly and politely ask if they could share the campfire with you. Seeing that you're still young, they will probably allow you to stay. If so, you can tell them your story and see if they can offer you some stuff that could come in handy in your following journey.


D'aawwww, what a cute couple. And from what you're senses tell you, they are at the least very good friends. It seems a shame to disturb them, but is hiding and spying really any better way to handle things? Deciding to hold to you new goal, go ahead and call out to the camp's members, and ask if you can share their fire for the night. Expect questions, they are going to want to know something about you in return.


gather some love while watching them remain unnoticed till you can shift. Store some extra love in the Gem if you can


Take some of their love energy but remain hidden until they are finished.(It would be rude to disturb them) Then disguise yourself and ask them if they know where the nearest town is.


First, stay in cover and try to absorb some love (and fill gem). If get enough love, transform into unicorn. Next, call them and gently ask them about sharing campfire. Ask about nearest towns and road to it. At last if sweet couple allow, you may take some apples from tree.


Do not disturb them; is obvious they don´t want a third person in their meeting. Stay in cover and try to replenish your love reserves. Then wait until they move, and follow their track; probably they will guide you to a populated area.


Whatever you don't make them hate you, look innocence or something.

Julius Costa Peters

you do a friendly approach and see if them don´t mind a third member in their camp if the don´t mind you absorb love passively