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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.



Julius Costa Peters

tell him that you is looking for you father because you mom don´t like you because you pony half and you has living in the badlands for your won and you want a chance to meet him to try to live as a pony with him


It's not fair! You didn't do anything bad! You're just a filly! Don't you have the right to have love and happiness too? Surely it was just a misunderstanding!


Cry knowing your dad banned you from coming to see him, and hug the guard

The Kanbazia

Cry and hug the guard. Ask Him if there is any way possible to meet Your Dad. After all You are His Daughter and being a half changeling should be enough to make a exception against the law to get past the boarder and find Your Dad.

Gunmetal Gator

Despite all of this, you left on a mission to see your father. Even if you can't change the opinion of him and changelings, you have to at least know your father in some light so you won't have any doubts later in life.


Action: cry but tell the guard you still want to meet him and even if he still rejects you you want to hear him say it himself also hug the guard


Wow... this is not what you hoped for, Young Queen. Queens are supposed to be calm and poised, but you are still a youngling. A few tears wouldn't be held against you. And maybe the Guard wouldn't begrudge a hug? Afterwards, ask if there is any way you can get a travel pass? Even if it's a folly, you promised yourself you would meet your father, and it's not very Queen-like to break promises.


Have moment to freak out and then continue because you still want to meet him.


Tell the guard that despite that you still has to see your father, You are too different to keep living with the changeling and while you might not fit into the pony community this is something you have to do. You have to know who your father is and try to talk to him yourself at least once.


Ask the Guard if he could organise a meeting with the father, because he maybe do'nt know about his daughter. So maybe he could react in a positive way. Whether or not, the young queen could'nt go back anyway when the changeling queen will be informed about young queen's behavior.


Cry, blame you're mother for causing all of this, and then ask if there is still some way you can meet your father.


Cry, Blame Chrysalis, still try & arrange a meeting w/ your dad.


Don't give up, you want to meet him, even if he doesn't accept you, you want to hear his voice and give him a present you made for him.

Javier Farsaci

Continue looking for your father and ask if the guard could help you, or at least give you your stuff back.


Cry and tell the guard its not my fault I just want to meet my father.


Wow sure that story is biased! ACTION: Defend your mother! also ask what is going to happen with you <<< TYPOS >>> ...to the royal guard. >>> He says that he believes you because your hair really reminds him to his former captain. >>> He even has been under your fathers command before being stationed here. >>> He says that he also remembers your mother: the Queen of the changelings who invaded Canterlot few years ago. . >>> ... finding your father, because he hates changelings more than anything. This is so because your mother tried to destroy his wedding, kidnapped his bride and even controlled his mind. >>> He is the one who made the law to ban changelings from equestria. >>> The law that made all changelings suffer for a long time. >>> How are you going to react after knowing all of this?


You may cry, but not surrender. Tell the guard that you are in anyway continue your journey to apologize for your mother's fault and to prove that not all changelings is bad. Ask guard about your father's relatives - they may be more tolerate to you and help to organize a meeting with father. As last chance, you can try to get an audience with the Princesses.


tell the guard a child has the right to see their father


Yeah, giving up now isn't an option! But like what has been said, no one's gonna think worse of you for tearing up a bit.


Cry. A lot.


*sighs* So I'm guessing this means we're going down the "Shining is going to be an unlikable, violent racist d-bag who is actively oppressing the changelings" route, huh? Unless the guard is biased and exaggerating or misinformed, it pretty much seems he's gonna be the story's antagonist who's responsible for countless suffering. Oh well, here's what I suggest: press on to meet him anyway or just call it quits and go back home knowing Poppa's an a-hole and it's a pointless quest.


Accept the information for now, thank the guard, ask for your stuff back and do your own investigation regarding your father.


You are not your mother. Don't let her mistakes doom you too.


Break down and cry, let all your emotions out. Tell him how it's not fair for a filly to be separated from her father and how seeing you could change his mind. Ask this guard for help, appeal to his emotions by asking him what it's like being separated from his father while border guarding in service to the crown. Ask him "Don't fathers always love their foals?"


Tell him that you don't care and will die trying


That's a lot to take in. You are probably sad and angry. Try not to lash out at the guard, that won't do you any good. Its fine to have a cry, but it's probably best to let this sink in before you do anything rash. Take some time to calm down, once you are more calm and collected you can decide your next step.