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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Try speaking to it, first asking if it can speak, then asking if it can move out of the way, please.

Xaldon Ajide

Tell a joke and carefully observe the reaction?


Try talking to it, but do not let your guard down, in case it tries to rush forward.

Julian Fratzscher

Careful retreat, while trying to talk to it.


It is not respond then move careful away from the creature and speak about who or what are this creature is?


Try to talk with it


Stay on guard. try to communicate with it

Borg Lord

Try to talk to it, but be ready to summon the Bird Samurai if it attacks.

Drago Whooves

try talking to it, but don't let down your guard


try talking with it and observe its reaction


stay on guard, ask who/what they are...


we sensed no life from this thing. Is it possible that we're being overly conscious against an empty suit of armor? I say look to see if anything is making it float.


state your intentions and wait for a reply. Mayhaps saying a certain trigger word will cause it to stand down.


ask it what does it want who are you


relax a little, you look like the aggressor and ask if you can pass and kind of skirt around it if you can, or ask if it wants a friend that works too, also would like to note how it looks like it has some dragonish looking traits.


plot: saying a certain word trigger it to be more aggressive