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I know you can see this, dear thief.(Because you have to sneak here to get this, right?) And I want you to know that I'm really not please....

Your disloyalty will always be remembered. Me and Rainbow Dash really displease in you....



Zanon Silvus

i hope the thief's soul burns in the badlands, i dont see why people steal art, its obvious who it belongs to, more so with the water marks artists are throwing on their work, lilythekitsuen is doing so due to thieves stealing her comic


wow! that is shameless btw carefull with this kind of pictures, people can get information about you like: you like braeburned ;) and that... YOU ARE FROM THE FUTURE!!! THE YEAR 2558!!! D:


Who ever you really are, your worse then a stupid lying whore, loveless worked Her ass off to make Her fans happy, now you go and steal Her art, and before anyone thinks its me, your wrong, I look comment and try to encourage Her to finish good art, it takes a while for her to make the art for she has school and she can't speak English very well, I saw on her other account on e621.net that she had a hard time making them into English words instead of her normal speaking, she deserves better then that, if your a proto queen or a warrior, or even One of the look out, I am so ashamed to say, but you bring shame and dishonesty and dishonor to this hive


its not me I commented to her on how the crazy alternate future comic has had an impact on me as a person and how I see people in that way. Who ever you are that did this I hope you Banished through Princess Twilight's Mirror to some place where you will be damned for all eternity.


*Grabs my trusty pitchfork* Where are the art theft hounds, we need to go hunting.


Basically, don't click anything. It just does a google image search and puts them on the page.


That's... wow. That's pathetic.


hally [cant spell artists name off the top of my head] on IB was just gripeing that all her HQ art from patreon was posted outside too...i think theres some 'art should be free' nerd/jerk going around hijacking patreon pages.


Ask a patreon administrator on what you should do if this happen.


Already did it. That website don't stolen just my arts...They have art of nearly 100 creator of other Patreon too.

The Kanbazia

May the Devil find this Bastard who dare to steal other peoples work and burn in the deepest part of hell! This is a insult to us as Artists and I hope the person gets what Hen deserves and doesn't get a easy way out of this.


I don't think i'm alone when i say i have my own private offline collection but posting content that's not yours for everyone to see is unacceptable. I'm a strong believer in things that are open source but that's not the same thing as free. An economy doesn't work if everything is free or stolen. I hope this thief is brought to justice.