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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Zanon Silvus

Jump out and announce intentions to marry dragon prince


get out of hiding.


Better you introduce yourself now, however be aware that the Prince is MIA because of you, the moment you get the necessary love summon the vine and ask where he went.


Ask them to help find their prince


If their looking for you and Regis, its best to reveal yourself and ask to be taken back to the Changelings. Try to deflect answer questions about where Regis is, say you got split-up in the confusion. Hopefully the Changeling Army has some Love to Share


Keep listening to see if they mention why they look after you, before showing yourself.


Wait a bit before revealing yourself to see why they're looking for you possibly


Sneak to your army... somehow


Study so we can transform into fire dragon sometime later


Keep listening to see if they mention why they look after you wall Study so we can transform into fire dragon sometime later before showing yourself.

That guy

Continue to survey the situation.

Borg Lord

A little more recon seems in order to find out what they plan to do if they find you. Either they're looking for you for friendly reasons and they'd understand your reluctance to expose yourself to unfamiliar dragons after everything that happened or they're looking for you for unfriendly reasons and you don't want to talk to them at all.


Continue eavesdropping, and possibly gaining information on this fire dragons, so you can unlock this transformation.


continue observing them while hiding a bit longer. If possible, study their form.

