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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Find the civilians


Follow the footprints


Turn back to normal go find the dragons and changelings that witnessed your fight with Regis


find your people

Julian Fratzscher

Undo the transformation and follow the hoofprints.


Go and find the army, we need to see what the situation there is. We still have enough love to go back through the Hive. Hopefully some of the soldiers will have Love to Spare as well. The Fire Dragons would be able to take care of Regis better than we can

Borg Lord

Let's follow the hoofprints.


follow the hoofprints


Followe the hoofprints


undo the transformation and go find the dragons and changelings that witnessed your fight with Regis


We desperately need to go to the army, just because we need to finish and end the conflict for good, so the civilians can safely return from hiding. I really do not think we would have been of any use there. They don't have any love, we don't have any love. "They will be safe for time being" clearly says we don't have to worry about them right now. + We also need to finish the rescue of Regis, he's not out of it yet, and I'm sure the Dragon Army can help us. It's their leader....or not? Im sure th---WAIT A SECOND?! Where is he? Shouldn't he be hidden in secret inventory now? wowowowow....That's bad... Im hope he's okay... :-/

That guy

Transform back and find your people.


Go get some love from the Changeling army. You'll need to summon Regis so you can end the conflict. (Reminder: We should point out that we are going to investigate the crime he reported either way, but if he marries us then he becomes the prince consort and would have broad authority to conduct his investigation himself.)


Turn back to normal form and go after trail. You need love to bring Regis back and take care of him