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"It's feel strange to have stallionhood. But it is more strange to see dude licking it!" - Aerial Ace

Warning : This comic is alternate sequel of Crazy Future where Crazy Future is clopcomic. Normal Crazy Future can be found here => http://vavacung.deviantart.com/gallery/51002140/Crazy-Future

Character Data : http://vavacung.deviantart.com/gallery/51508160/Crazy-Future-Character-Card

Beware broken English. This comic have no proofreader since my current proofreader not comfortable to work for NSWF stuff. But if you be kind and help me fix it by comment to this post. I will be glad and fix it.

I will update this comic 2-3 page per week. Since I want to balance my time for university and another comic too. Hope you understand...




The dialog is almost perfect, so you're improving. The only very minor mistake is to replace "That's feel strange..." to "That feels strange..." in the first panel. Beside that everything else is correct.


I can already forsee the whole 'For Sience!' joke going one here XD