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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Grab the shovel. It might come in handy if we need to bust our way out.


Grab Regis and the shovel and get out of there


Grab Regis and Shovel, and get him back to the surface. Give him air as needed! Is Water Dragon faster? Can it swim in these tunnels? Maybe using Water Dragon to escape would be better than Siren? I am uncertain on this.

Freya Steel

Use the shovel and finish the job, for Regis might have almost completed this tunnel.


Grab Regis and the shovel and finish the tunnel


We need to finish the tunnel. Trying to swim against the current is too much of a risk, we won't be able to get there in time. Transform into a water dragon if we have to. It costs 1 love to transform, then we have 6 turns before we lose the rest of the love, and even then I don't think we black out at 0 love, but instead start taking health or energy damage instead? We should be able to complete the tunnel as a a water dragon in time.

Julian Fratzscher

Grab Regis, the shovel and get the f... out of there.


Water Dragon's an advanced form, and I think we 'pay' when we first transform, so we'd immidiately be at 0 love.


Finish the tunnel with the shovel sword; I agree that trying to swim back against the current won't go well.


We have ZERO CLUE if the tunnel even close to being finished, there is NO CURRENT so swimming back with him wouldn't be that much of a challenge, then when you are close enough teleport him behind the barrier and then yourself.


Grab the shovel sword and finish tunnel with our full might of energy!!!


Could the black vine grab the little princess and Regis and take out from there, like when we battled Flurry?


Grab the shovel and Regis but leave the tunnel. You're not as good at digging as he is, and you don't know how much time you guys have. Go to the barrier and GTFO with a teleport.


Go back and check, there is a current at first, then it stops. Plus the changelings above need the tunnel completed as well.


Grab Regis and the shovel and get out of there as fast as you can


We may have bought regis some time, but he still doesn't look so good, he needs to be taken out of the water asap, it may be risky, but we have to finish the tunnel.

That guy

Get him out of there. Transform into water dragon and get him out. But if finishing the tunnel can get that done quickly, then finish it. Save him and the others.

Leonard Rinehart-Mann

We don't know where the tunnel was heading, hell Regis may not have planned that far ahead when he started digging it. and transforming into the Water dragon form will deplete all remaining love; which runs the risk of the transformation failing before they get out.


Take the gem and attempt to use it to store the shovel away before swimming back.

Leonard Rinehart-Mann

Grab Regis, pin the shovel along his side, and start swimming with him back the way we came; as fast as we can.

Leonard Rinehart-Mann

I doubt there would be a huge speed difference, and we need the remaining love points to teleport back through the barrier.


Finish the tunnel!

Borg Lord

Let's swim him back out of here. I'd love for us to do it as a water dragon; that'd surely be faster. But with how low our love is, we can't afford to transform into such an expensive form.


Grab Regis and the shovel and swim back to the barrier.

Javier Farsaci

Swim as fast as possible and begin CPR once we've surfaced. 30 chest compressions at a pace of 100 per minute and then two breaths and repeat. If young Queen's nanny is also a nurse she may have taught us that.


Grab Regis and the shovel and swim out


Focus on geting Regis out of water. This is your main task


If the first task is to get Regis out, {can we put him in our secret stash?} Technically, that's just teleporting him to the everfree with some help doing so... so job done right? Maybe I'm forgetting a rule or something.... but it would leave us open to finish the job he started.


Put Regis in inventory and take him to dry land.


Hook his claws around you, and hold it with your own hooves. Take the shovel too for breaking potential obstacles in way. Swim back to magic barrier and teleport behind it with him. There is no sense of finishing that tunnel. Nobody knows, if it is near the end or not. It is a blind tunnel, so the water current is definitely weaker now. Lets see if this work... (BTW: Thank you Vavacung for explaining that breathing. Was not sure by that :) I keep that in mind :) )