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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Swim faster


Get to reigis!


Oh boy... this is going to be tricky. Even if we get to Regis, finishing the bypass tunnel is going to be difficult. A Diamond Dog can't breath underwater, but is rather necessary to dig, or use a weapon. Whilst a Siren can breath under water, but can't exactly dig... do we have the strength to use the same weapon Regis was using as a Siren? Can a Water Dragon provide the punch needed to smash through stone using their Hydro Canon? We have plenty of energy, but very low Love! ... I guess it depends on what we find at the end of the tunnel...

Drago Whooves

As Dory would say: "Just keep Swimming"


Swim to him and give him the kiss of life(CPR)


Save Regis!


Swim fast as you can to save him.


Find Regis use breathing mouth to mouth (each other helps breath) ((basically mouth to mouth cpr only)) I think it was called buddy breathing


swim as fast as you can to reigis and help him to get out of the water

Borg Lord

Yes, let's save Regis. It would be a shame to let him die and waste the effort we put into getting him to stop attacking.


Kiss Regis and act as a rebreather when he needs air.


We are going to need to kiss him when we get there because we are not going to not be that much help with this low on love

That guy

Save Regis and find a way to plug the hole