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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




Turn into a Siren and use Song of Healing


Action :Turn into a siren and Song of Healing . Despite the risk we are taking in the energy side, we need to take step in risk to be a true leader and do whatever we can do.


Yeah, Siren and Song of Healing is likely for the best


Tell them that trusting you is not as important right now than getting out of here and escape the flood! No time to loose


Finish the escape tunnel


Your a queen, act like it. Unleash the royal cantorlot voice


Turn to Siren, use song of healing to get the wounded on their feet. Tell them you can all argue about this when you are not all about to die.


Save and kill them all :P jkjk use song of healing


okay lets try this Turn into a Siren and use Song of Healing


Point out that they got three options. 1) Fight the Young Queen and Regis, which does not benefit anyone. 2) Stay on digging out and most likely survive. 3) Reopen the tunnel and drown to the water. Whatever they choose, remind them they got limited air in the tunnel and thus they do not have time to waste. Also mention that if the Young Queen was a traitor, then why come down to them and die with them.

Borg Lord

Enough talk. Turn into a diamond dog and then you and Regis should get to work on the escape tunnel. You don't have time to waste not working on the escape tunnel.

Drago Whooves

turn into siren and heal everyone (Regis included)


Dig a hole as a diamond dog


Become an diamond dog and dig. thell them to follow you when they want to stay save

Ryan Sinclair

just tell them thought you were essentially defeated the fire dragons by being their leader in combat and now he is to be your bride also they really don't have a choice cuz even if they don't believe them they're going to die from a flood it's either let them help you or everyone is dead anyways


My vote's on the D-dog. "Trust us or not, help us or not, be ready to move the wounded. We're digging a shortcut!"


Turn to Siren and use song of healing on everyone.


Siren, healing on everyone. Tell them you're ordering an evacuation, and they don't have to trust you to see the water flowing out of the cracks in the blockage.