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Hello, dear. My family and relative gonna set up a caravan trip (where we tour everywhere with our own cars)  in next month and it will start from day 20th until the end of the month....

Which mean...I can work only half month.

I thought about half every pledge I have and edit any class with reward art to $20 value because I can't work on their reward next montha....It's not enough time....

But it's not something Patreon system allowed...

"While a tier has patrons in it, you cannot edit the tier amount. We do this to prevent confusion. For example, imagine if you edited the $5 tier to the $10 tier - you would either have different patrons paying different amounts for the exact same benefit (not good), or you would raise prices on the $5 patrons without asking (also not good!)"

It's a system to prevent unfair raise prices....But that also prevent low price too....

So I have no choice but to do this....

You are free, everyone.  You going to have some spare money to buy anything you like next month. Good luck and have a good time.



Andrew Pam

You have a good time also! Enjoy your trip! Since you're not charging this month, you don't have to make us any art if you prefer to take a break.


Just remember to relax and enjoy the time with your familie


ok. but the following month all will go like always

Erik Bergevald

Take a break this month my Queen. Its only right that you get to enjoy your trip with your family.


Enjoy your break, we'll be here waiting for your return. :-)


have a fun trip and consider it a break for you

Infamous Paradox

A caravan trip!? That sounds awesome!!!