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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




transfom into phoenix and evade. in the worst case you are already on fire as a phoenix.


Well this is a battle of stamina, how should we proceed this everyone other than turn into phoenix ?


Should we wait it out or move around the grounds?


Use the vines to make him waste energy


Just dig away from the tunnel and wait him out. He can't mantain his ultimate move for long, and whilst its given him a huge boost of power and range, he still needs to hit us... juuuuuust make sure to cave in the tunnel behind us so he can't just shoot flames down the tunnel and burn us out.


Dig and cave in the tunnel as you dig. Make sure you are deep enough so you don't shift the ground on the surface.


Dig away from Regis

Zanon Silvus

Dig and ‘play whack a mole’ with him to tire him out


okay now we need to fight fire with water turn back into a water dragon and hit him with our strongest attack

Parry T. Fronters

keep digging around and maybe pop out once in a while and throw rocks to get him to use up his SP


if he wants us he needs to come after us on our turf. I would say use this time to rest

Ryan Sinclair

Use black Vines to make him lose energy


Jump up hug and kiss regis

Borg Lord

Keep digging (and occasionally lobbing rocks at him and disappearing before he can counterattack) until he wears himself out.


hes a fire draogn remeber? he can burn them.


jump out and hug him.


love all bad suggestion we been getting to fight and kill. considering most of every fight we won so far was because we showed love. watch. the series will end cuz people dont think things over before commenting.

Javier Farsaci

Keep digging untill he's been tired out.


Stay undergroud and like predator in bushes wait for wright moment. He fly so be where he cant fly... Make a lot of dig holes and tunnels. It could be good tactic when you trasform into water dragon and use water gun and change posicion


Keep digging and making tunnels. Throw rocks occasionally to keep him off balance. (we would want to maneuver him to get hit by a hydrocannon without a chance to dodge).


Add to that, make the first hole on the surface a decoy, because he'll probably prepare to attack that one.


turn in to a phoenix


Anyone notice that the corrupted save file has changed? It now says Regis' last stand, Think it means that we may die and have to reload if we frick this up?