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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




I have the feeling this is not going to end up well

Drago Whooves

grab the sword and hit him hard


Now thats a lot of damage :3


Shut your eyes and destroy the space in from of you! If we get lucky you may not kill Regis!


This seems like a berserker state where we cant do any other action until it wears off. In that case keep on the offensive and dont give regis the chance to counter


Oh Celestia sake!!!! this is so wrong!!! Regis sorry for what we have done!!


Well I think this is going to be ending soon............n Wait a minute as you attack him the image of your alicon sister pops up in to your mind almost as if it was a ghost reminding you how you felt when she attacked you without mercy.


Kick Regis to the sky!! - This is the only way to prevent more damage.


... Okay, seriously, does anyone else feel like this was a bit of a dick move by Vav? Or did our anger really build up THAT much?

Zosimos Wreden

I hope we don't kill Regis.


wow shit when did that happen


um.....can we try and clam down a bit ?


Not really, since Wrath status cannot be control no matter what we do and our anger were building from log 384 till now for somehow that if we have temper first that will make all the question except the first question to becoming a provoke question and can be stop by calming down first but Regis is the one who were calm and provoked the Young Queen by showing Sass a lot to Young Queen and doesn't seem to irritated by her word ( which really is common to irritated us for who doesn't make any reaction from our action).


What the hell who picked that?!

Borg Lord

Invent time machine. Go back five minutes and stop yourself. (It's as likely a command to be obeyed as any other.)


when i don't comment for a while things turn to shit. Come on guys. THINK before you choose.


Okay... throwing time! Time to throw Regis as far and hard as you can, because throwing him against a wall or another dragon is sure to hurt him badly! (And hopefully if you throw him out of the ring you might win by defeault, and it'll give him time to get a shield up)


Try and remember your half-sister Flurry Heart and how she felt after have tried to kill you in wrath, do you really want to feel the same


i hope regis will not attack you for the what you did to him so just in case drop one of you med kits so he can use it to heal from the brutal attack and hope he understand why you attacked him

Bright Ops

Throw the Prince out of the ring and towards a wall! Not only will this likely hurt him, but you might be able to get him on a ring out! (The added benefit that it gets him out of arms reach and into possible safety is a bonus).

Javier Farsaci

Toss him, it might put him in safety.


Remember what happened with your sister!!! Don't make the same mistake!!


Action-character-switch-Regis. We take the role of Regis now while Young Queen is an unreasonable beast.


keep it non-lethal. We still need to marry the guy when this is over.


well, she is now an unreasonable beast, we need to find a way to stop her!


Wait a minute anyone noticed the save file at the bottom right? ho boy....


Check to sew if Regis is unconscious. If he is then we've won the duel, so no more reason to fight. No more reason to be angry. If YQ keeps going then hopefully one of the spectators notices and stops us before more damage is done...

Freya Steel

nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Remember what happened to you from Flurry Heart dont make the same mistake stop yourself before its to late!!!!


Anger... Broken hearth. He make it, he betray you, mock you, thinking you are nothing. He is responsibe for your suffer. Your hive fell "Anger of the prince"... Now time to Prince fell "FURRY OF THE QUEEN"! Grab his leg and throw him to the gronund!! (Like Hulk throw Loki in Avengers)


Use dig on Regis, dig him a grave.

Parry T. Fronters

Save data corrupted? RESET. I also just realized that the save file has been corrupted since the start of the duel. As for an actual action, switch control to Regis.