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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Drago Whooves

tell him to look around, the others seem to be getting along, ask him if he'd call this a draw and you'll investigate the murder together


Ask him if he thinks changelings and dragons can work together. If he says no, tell him to look around


Personally I think its too early to ask him to look around, after all its just one changeling and one dragon that's getting along, not more than one. Lets not jump the gun here and try to make a diamond out of coal. Instead, I think its best to keep on talking. Why not ask him about being a hybrid? He's proven himself to be quite the strong dragon so far, but does he have any changeling abilities? Has he tried to transform at all?


Ignore him and try to remain call, he is the one now trying to make you lose the battle.


Stay calm and tell him to look over at the changling and dragon. In the time it took for him to act smug they were able to act peaceful with each other over food, so why not act peaceful and try to work together to solve this mystery in exchange for helping you save the Crystal Empire


ignore his provocation and calmly sum up the entire situation to stall longer. Play it dumb to make it simple, he obviously enjoyed correcting us.


It's too early to look around! wait for the moment dragon and changeling will really be mixed with each other


Guy I think we should should go out frustrated to the ground only since we have been provoked and we can't control our diplomacy chat without trying to hit/kill Regis so there is no possible to chat with him with the wrath occur on our status right now so please choose this action bellow!! It will make the wrath gone.


Hit the ground with all the rage!!


Stay calm talk to him about a chance for coexists if he decline tell to look around


Tell him that you are also a hybrid between a Changeling and a Pony, and your mother was thrown out of the Pony kingdom. But you were able to travel secretly to the Pony kingdom and made peace as an ambassador.


If he’s a hybrind of a changeling. Ask why doesn’t feel wrong attack his own people


Hit the ground out of frustration saying how frustrating it was to learn about view now along side of your own family issues


okay stay calm and tell him to look over at the changling and dragon the two of them are not fighting and are even being friendly and have him look at us that we are a also a hybrid of Changeling and Pony


Try to calm down and state that it might be better if they just try to solve these problems in a friendly and cooperative way

Borg Lord

Calm down. Keep talking. (We need a few more rounds for the changelings and dragons to start mingling.) Ask whether he's previously sought information about his parents' deaths in a less invasion-y manner.

Ryan Sinclair

Attack him without taking the sword


Ask if he inherited anything from his changeling heritage, like the ability to feed on love or changing his shape


Say you are not pure changeling. You are hybrid, like him but pony-changeling hybrid. Maybe you are young queen but still young. You still learn. And you learnd you dont know how this story realy ended. He told his version, changeling version is forgotten. Know he say the dragon princes was his mother. So one again. This isnt justice. This is vengence and you want to look this like justice. You say he is a prince but for real he is hearthbroken child missing his mother.