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You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Drago Whooves

ask what happened to the egg


Calm down action - everyone please don't choose attack or any related mock despite we not really provoke him ( somehow this action called provoke) because we don't really need to won in fighting but with diplomacy.


ask him about the changeling aura around him and try to calm down so you dont by accidentally attack him


Everyone please choose action calm down first!!! because we are going to be berserk if this kept up and we attack Regis by accident.


Ask him if that egg is supposed to be him, if so then question why does he have a Changeling Aura then, why hide that he is a hybrid and not use it as more leverage for demanding answers. What stops the possibility of him being just a rouge Changeling that is seeking revenge on this hive and the Queen by taking the place of the real Prince and starting a war?


Ask him calmly if he was the egg as he has a changeling transformation aura and ask him to prove he is not a rouge changeling trying to start a war, but the real prince.

Borg Lord

Keep him talking. I personally would ask what makes him so sure the changeling weapons aren't a frame job, since you don't have to be a changeling to use their weapons, but the important part is that you keep talking. If you drag this out long enough, I don't think the armies will be willing for the war to continue anyway.


Let him know you will aid him on his quest after you defeat him.


Fine, ask him about his changling aura. Its about time he explains why he has such a faint aura about him that did NOT form just by being around you since he loves to spin things around to make himself seem more mature


Don't say anything else right now. Stop attempting to prokoke him and take a moment to reflect on what we've found out and calm down. Getting more and more angry won't help our chances of gathering more info, especially since he has been quite eager to keep talking up to this point anyway.


Ask him if that egg

Greer Agrendale

Call him out. Call him the egg... Claim his mother is the dragon in the book. Exclaim to all around that he is part changeling and that is why it's so important to him. By assaulting the hive, he is betraying his own race as much as he is falsely leading his other kin.

Javier Farsaci

Calm yourself, and just return to the fight, there will be plenty of time to talk after we win.


... Okay, maybe we should keep talking, as it seems that the changeling and dragons are starting to interact peacefully amongst the crowd. Talk to him now, ask him about the egg and if it was him, ask him about why he feels like he's part changeling to the others and if he is in fact, not a pure-blooded... but we aren't provoking him. We aren't trying to get him angry, we're simply talking to him now.


Calm yourself and ask him about the missing egg

Bright Ops

...I feel like people are missing an easy way to resolve this fight right here and now. Offer to put the fight on hold and escort him to meet the Queen... -after- he gives his word as a prince in front of all these people that on his honor he will not bring harm to her until this mess has been sorted out and everyone is on the same page about what happened and why. After all, even if he betrayed his word to you when it was just the both of you, if he breaks his word in front of his subjects that will call his honor into question.


Ask him if he tried to use a more diplomatic apraoch before declaring war on the changelling


Ask about the egg. It him wright. He want vengence not justice

Ryan Sinclair

Attack him without taking the sword. But if it goes to provoke him again then let him know that the history book was a long time ago so that changing he's looking for is probably long dead and those pages that were ripped out probably burned so no one knows what happened back then and this whole invasion is completely pointless


Ask about the egg. Offer to put the fight on hold if he gives an oath like Strong Copper said. Also, background changeling/dragon peace?


Nobody cares about the dragons and the changelings watching the fight? Ask about why dragons geodas are full of love. Maybe is not the time, but Changelings gemstones maybe are more tasty for dragons while geodas are more useful for refilling love. This can be the beginning of a relationship based on a commercial approach.


Ask if he intended on hurting your mother when he finds her?


ask about the egg