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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Andrew Pam

Tell him the two hands are not for attacking, they are for hugging!! Hugs make everything better.


Don't take the bait. If he wants to mock then kick it into high gear. Tell him that he's a joke of royalty since he did all this for some half based rumor about his mother being murdered by a changling. Goad him by saying it was probably his own kind that did it and that he is nothing but a puppet being controlled


Ask him why he got a faint aura of a changeling transformation ability as that is a curious thing, since dragons are not know for their ability to transform (see log 369)


We still gonna talk with him - we could also ask when did Regis's father die and would he really go to war with the changelings just for him personal and don't even let him talk about how ruling the hive or anything benefits for the fire dragon when personal things are involved !!


okay lets return in kind say that he's a joke of royalty since he did all this for some half based rumor about his mother being murdered by a changling. Goad him by saying it was probably his own kind that did it and that he is nothing but a puppet being controlled


Well him talk and does not refuse the Young Queen question would mean that he must have doubts about the changeling that he want to find or finding answer something that are connected to him. He could disarm the chat by being silent or stop the Young Queen chat and immediately told her to pick up the sword but he didn't do it and simply told what our mistakes are. Guy I think we need to find out Regis's past and knowing what happened to the changelings in that story would be the key. Let diffuse the battle/ war with talk each out.

Borg Lord

Seeing as Regis isn't ignoring our talking (surprisingly), let's keep talking. Maybe we can talk some sense into him without needing to beat him first.


Scan regi


i like your idea but ill like to add that ask him about the missing page from the book!


Hmmm the dragons seem to LOVE the mine rocks quickly, extract what you can.

Shadow Moon

kiss the prince


Ask for Hand to Hand Combat, we can't sustain our Diamond Dog form forever, and he's not going to allow us to keep talking forever. We challenged him to a duel after all, we need to go through with it.


Ask him why he got a faint aura of a changeling transformation ability as that is a curious thing, since dragons are not know for their ability to transform (see log 369) and ask him about the missing page from the book!

Ryan Sinclair

Attack him without you taking the sword. ( also see if he will stop with the child crap I don't care how long dragons live for you're basically the exact same age )


You already should know time for talk is far from over. Now only fight speaks.


Hand to hand