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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Drago Whooves

dash forward, grab the sword and aim a hit at his legs

Bright Ops

Take advantage of this situation to try and talk sense into him!

Andrew Pam

Jump up and give him a kiss


dash, grab sword, dig away the stone he is standing on and shove the sword up his bum.


Trick him Into going hand to hand combat, claiming that you don't have training using the weapon. Call him out on his Honor bound move so he fights you on your terms. We cannot let him use that shovel.


Ask him if he got a shield the young queen can use to make the coming combat more even and if not, if he could fight without his shield.


Just stand there and waste time XD


Use ration to restore energy (this is a nice moment to refill it since we gave the scarf back and we'll not get attacked when we use it). Then grab sword.


Use ration is better advise since our energy is low but we need to make a surprise attack in the next two log .

Leonard Rinehart-Mann

If he wants to hand us a free round, practically gift wrapped, fine; use the ration pack.


Use the station then take the sword


Take the sword but be ready. He will attack once you grabbed it


its smashing time. diamonds dogs tail clubs are hard as rock. smack him a few times with it :D


Use a ration to restoe energy as you challenge him to a hand to hand fight. If he refuses to fight with his shield and weapon, take advantedge off it. He clearly wants to fight fairly, so make him fight fairly on your turns, not his own.


That's your practice sword, so you should have some skill with it, though wielding it in paw as a diamond dog is going to be different from holding it magically as a Changeling. You won't have a shield, but parrying blows should work, and your tail should help defend against shield bashes. Get the sword, but expect an immediate attack when you have it in hand.


okay lets get that sword and show him we can still beat him

Borg Lord

Restore some energy, then close the distance to him and use rock smash. If he doesn't have to wait for us to finish transforming, then we don't have to wait for him either.


Restore energy then take sword

Shadow Moon

restore energy and take the sword


Be careful. Perhaps this is a trick.

Dark Forge

Hmm, what to do. On one hand by refusing to fight he all but surrenders to her... I think? On the other, if she goes for the sword she has to deal with that shovel sword of his and his new shield. With her diamond dog abilities she'll be able to use her earth abilities. If anything, she could force him to go hand to hand, no need to use weapons to continue to fight.

Ryan Sinclair

Don't take the sword. Just attack!


Restore some of your energy and then grab the sword


Eat your ration, then use rock throw. He made a big show of calling you young and naive before, but now he won't fight you because you're a girl? HE'S the one not taking this seriously.


Don't grab the sword! Now is the chance to talk. Consider - you want to protect the queen, but you don't know about the other "murderer". Eat the ration, then tell him about finding the shovel sword in the skull of the dragon. Why was it not taken by the "murderer" as a trophy?

Bernard Doove

Ignore the sword and attack.


Ignore the sword, restore some of your energy and then rock throw

Javier Farsaci

Rock throw and grab the sword while he's surprised.


Don't take the sword and tell him that by refusing to fight he is surrendering, giving you the victory.


Also I just noticed that it says "Save File Corrupted"... This might be game over if we lose.

Freya Steel

and a wooden sword is gonna be good against a shovel?


A magic shovel at that. The thing can kill dragons, a wooden practice sword is not going to do much against that or his shield.


Ask if wooden sword is fair against magic shield. Then tak this sword but be prepared to dogde. Its obvius he will attack in the moment you take this weapon