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Anybody have this problem? I hope you can find a way to fix it. Because it's not something I can fix from creator side...My apology for make your life much more difficult...




Every creator is having this issue. I think its something to do with supporters payment method. I have both paypal and direct bank account so I cant tell which one is causing the issue. Its detecting it as fraud.


This seems to be affecting at least the people in the US. It might be affecting other people also. It only seems to affect the people who pay using a credit card. If you use PayPal, you should be fine. If you pay direct from a bank account, you should also be fine. As was mentioned, there are two different solutions you can try: #1, move payment to a different credit card, or to PayPal. #2, try the payment again; if it fails, call the phone number on the back of your credit card, and tell them that the payment is OK.

Andrew Pam

This seems to mostly be a problem affecting US patrons. I am in Australia and had all my payments processed without any problems.


I am from the US and I used Debit and everything worked fine.


They changed what server handles processing all the payments. So for those of us in the US, the transaction on our cards showed up as a charge from a foreign contry. Which set off the fraud alert for a LOT of people. I fixed it by switching to PayPal then calling my bank and telling them to always authorize transactions from Patreon.com


Simply re-enter your payment info or switch to another payment and it goes through. At least it did for me yesterday morning.


I contacted my bank and confirmed that the charge was valid, explaining that the service had switched banks on me. After that, setting Patreon to retry my charge had it process correctly. While it's nice to see that the bank is trying to be vigilant about fraudulent charges on my card, things like this just irk me no end.


nope i use pay pal