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One account can choose  only one single action. 

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.  

Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.




He's been holding back? Not good. Especially as he's already proven himself to be a very effective fighter against the Water Dragon form, and that shield is going to make it even harder to fight against him... I suggest we transform into a Diamond Dog form and Dig. Lets see how well he can deal with an opponent who can move through the ground instead of just above it.


oh shit this cant be good lets change into a Diamond Dog we need speed and lots of it

Greer Agrendale

Change into a Diamond Dog form the speed, resilience and strength is now an advantage. Digging prowess can give an additional element of surprise and tactical advantage.

Borg Lord

If we change forms he'll attack us while we're changing again. I say charge.


Shades of Inego Montoya! Continuing this fight in water dragon form is giving too much advantage. Young Queen needs agility and something that can deal heavy damage. Diamond dogs are tunnelers, but you didn't spend much time practicing rock tunneling, so your claws aren't going to be as effective as they m. Change nd dig.


Use vines to pull his shield away while you charge

Bright Ops

Try and convince him that this is madness that isn't going to benefit anyone. He claims to be here to avenge the death of the dragoness and her changeling lover, but revenge is not redress. Revenge is a wheel, and it turns backwards. The dead are not your masters. Only the ignorant believes that letting go is easier.


Change into diamond dog


Oh yeah Vavacung shouldn't we supposed to get the fire dragon form (or at least Regis's body form ) since we are observe him and the other fire dragon with knowing their abilities are?


Diamond dog form and dig. But be carefull, he might use an fire breath and shoots in the tunnel the queen might dig


First off I want to say fuck why no-one had a attack ready with the defence and second his magic is up but not his physical defences you a form that is all power diamond is the right call


Diamond dog form and dig underground

Drago Whooves

Turn into Diamond dog and dig underground

Shadow Moon

Change into phoenix form, use a fake charge to trick him and snatch the gem on him as you dodge any attacks


Agreed. With phoenix form we would still take low fire damage and the agility to swipe the gem would save us from him pulling out his ultimate sword


I like emilio's idea, disarm him of his powerful weapon.


are you serious? Oo shit, shit, shit;...


Eat your Ration


Get ready to dodge and counter attack


Regis is a unique creature. He is a creature that Young Queen can't copy form and ability. And for other normal Fire Dragon. Young Queen never fought one yet. Not even see them fight.


So... is it safe to say... He was not left handed?... I'll see myself to the next log...