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All About Chrysalis, Queen of the Love Bugs

Shining Armor came back to his bedroom in the Canterlot Castle barracks after returning from Dodge City that night with his Pegasus Royal Guard team, dismissing them and coming back for his own rest. As he opened the door and turns on the light, he was shocked upon seeing Chrysalis in her Prench maid outfit laying in a sexy pose laying on his bed, blushing heavily. "Chrysalis!?" he asked in a high-pitched, surprised tone.

"W…welcome back, Shini—I mean…M-Master. How was your trip?" Chrysalis asked, genuinely interested in hearing of more possible rescues of her fellow Changelings.

"'Master'? I mean...it went well. We found eight surviving Changelings in Dodge City. Some came back here with us while some asked to stay with their pony friends in that town...but....why are you here, a-and in a pose like that?!" Shining asked, still blushing.

Chrysalis simply moved a bit, spreading her legs a bit more and exposing her panties. "I just want to please you, Master. I want to thank you for helping my Changelings…but I have nothing to offer you but myself. All of me."

Shining Armor blushed, averting his eyes. "D…don’t try to sell your body to me like that, Chrysalis, it’s...it doesn't feel right. You don’t have to do that; it’s my duty as soldier to protect everyone. I don't need any...payment."

Chrysalis' sensual expression flagged, turning to one of concern instead. "...but...you saved us. You saved me, your enemy, that fooled you, as well as all of my fellow Changelings. You don’t have to risk yourself, nor travel all over Equestria to find and save us at all even still, but you still choose to do it. Please, let me do something for you in return."

"It’s fine, Chrysalis. Just please continue to serve my meals and clean my room; that's enough 'payment' for me." Shining said, still feeling more than a bit uncomfortable in the situation he found himself in.

Chrysalis huffed, a light blush on her face. "But I don’t think that's enough! I want to do more for you, Master. Please, let my body pleasure you, Master."

Shining Armor only felt more and more uncomfortable as Chrysalis spoke like this; like a common mare of the streets. He simply looked at her in silence for a while, before he took a deep breath and sighed. "Say my name, Chrysalis…please. Not 'master'. It feels...wrong, like I'm above you or something."

"But Master…" Chrysalis said, before becoming nervous as Shining merely stared disapprovingly at her, "I mean S-Shining…?"

Shining Armor approached the bed – and suddenly pinned Chrysalis to the mattress. He look upon her face to face, bringing himself very close to her, his muzzle only inches from hers while their chests met. "Chrysalis…" Shining said, looking deep into her deep emerald eyes, "You say that you want to pleasure me…tell me, is it because you want to…or because you think that you have to to repay me for merely doing what I view as the right thing?"

Chrysalis was silent for a while, but Shining could see her eyes shifting, her clearly thinking quite a bit before she spoke. "Shining, I...I have to do it. I feel that I have to reward you for all you've done to me and mine, but deep down inside…I want to as well. Shining, I want to do this, to have sex with a stallion who loves me...and who I love too."

Shining smiled, seeing nothing but honesty and love in her eyes. "Thank you, Chryssie, that’s what I want to hear from my little love bug." Shining said, rubbing noses with her with a big smile on his face, "...but if we're going to have sex, I want to have sex with the mare I love. Not a queen who wants to sell her body in exchange for the freely-given help she receives, not a maid who got orders to pleasure her master. I don't want to fuck any of those personalities. I want to fuck you Chrysalis, my loving marefriend, and I want to do it as your loving stallion. You as my loving mare…so no more of this 'Master' thing, OK? Please."


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God damn it now my nose is bleeding!


OMG chryslis is to darn cute like that


awwwwww Chrysalis is so cute and sexy