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A Talk with the Princess of Love

"Apple cider as you requested, Princess." Chrysalis said, still in her true form, wearing a Prench maid outfit as she offered the glass of apple cider on the tray to Princess Cadence. This was the first day Chrysalis had started as Princess Cadence’s maid for her community service, now living with the princess full time. She'd chosen her own sentence as a maid, also choosing Princess Cadence to make up for the cruelty she'd shown by imprisoning her in those mines with barely enough food and water to survive and in filthy conditions, it seeming poetic that she would now give her as much food and drink as she ordered and clean her castle.

Princess Cadence smiled, accepting the glass from the tray with her magic, taking a sip of the cider before putting it down on her bedside table and looking at Chrysalis with worry. "Thank you, Chrysalis."

Cadence knew that the evil queen persona, the Changeling who had imprisoned her and taken her place for nearly three months, was now long gone from this mare, leaving only a little Changeling mare that didn’t have any responsibilities of a queen at all. A much calmer, happier mare who had chosen to be her maid.

"Chrysalis, are you sure that you don’t mind being a maid to me? To see a former queen like you lower yourself down—" Cadence started, only for Chrysalis to raise a hoof to stop her.

Chrysalis sighed while smiling, softly nodding. "It really is fine, Princess. I’m glad to serve you! I’m happy to be a maid, to serve somepony instead of pretending to be an evil queen and terribly ruling a starving race. This maid duty is so much easier than being a queen on so many levels!" Chrysalis then stopped to catch her breath before continuing with a more calm voice, a hint of regret evident; "Besides, this is the only apology I could think of fitting for what I did to you back then…"

Princess Cadence softly stomped a hoof, snapping Chrysalis out of her thoughts. "Stop it Chrysalis, please. You've said sorry to me enough now, and I already said I forgive you. I know you did all you did because you had a reason; you had a starving family and you just wanted to help them. You just didn’t have anypony by your side to give you good advice, and because of that you made the wrong decision. It's all in the past now. Please forgive yourself already, as I have. As Equestria has."

Chrysalis simply sighed, still looking a bit upset. "S…sorry Princess, for making you feel uncomfortable, but how could you possibly forgive me so easily? I mean, I imprisoned you for three months all alone and barely surviving! I deserve a worse punishment than this, yet you allowed me to choose to do this for you…"

"That’s because I am the Princess of Love, dear." Princess Cadence said as she suddenly grabbed Chrysalis with her front hooves and hugged her, Chrysalis feeling the love coming off of her strongly and absorbing some of it. "If somepony can learn to forgive a pony's misdeeds and learn to forget their wrongs, like I have, sometimes that love can turn your worst enemy into a strong ally if you're doing it right."

Chrysalis sighed again, still unsure of such an easy sentence, but hugged Princess Cadence back then buried her face within the princess's chest, starting to cry. "I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…"

Princess Cadence continued to softly rock and make shushing sounds to calm down her tearful maid, continuing until the young Changeling calmed once again, before she grinned and asked her maid the question that she knew would take her by surprise. "So…how’s your love with Shining Armor?" she asked, just as casually as somepony would ask another what the weather was like that day.

"L…love?" Chrysalis said without making eye contact with Princess Cadence, "err…about that. Ever since he took me and my surviving siblings back to Canterlot, we never talked about our romantic feelings again. Besides, he's always busy with helping my people, so I don’t dare to disturb him while he's here and resting…"

Princess Cadence listened, before before shaking her head with disappointment. "You know, that’s really bad of you…" she said, clicking her tongue.

Chrysalis was somewhat surprised by the gentle chiding. "W...what?"

Princess Cadence smirked a bit. "Shining Armor is working so hard to ensure the safety of your race, yet you've done nothing to help him at all..."

"N…no, that's not true at all! I've asked him a number of times before to go along with him to help find surviving Changelings, and to help Changelings find homes and jobs, but he never lets me go with him." Chrysalis said, before looking down, feeling bad now at not pulling her own weight; feeling bad the same way she had when she was a failure of a queen, "Instead, he's always told me to stay here and serve you as your maid, saying I don’t have to do a queen's work anymore; to let him handle it all."

"...and serving me you are, and well so far I might add, but what about his needs?" Cadence asked, putting a hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder.

Chrysalis sighed, unable to meet Cadence's eyes. "I always serve him food and clean his room in the barracks every time he returns to Canterlot with the Changelings he finds…" she said, before picking up on a certain look from Cadence, seeing her eyebrow crooked and a small grin on her lips.

"So, just that and nothing more? That is no different from a normal maid's work at all!" Cadence teased, lightly nudging Chrysalis, "...and here I thought you had something better than that to reward him with! He stood up for you and saved your people from starvation after all. As his marefriend, you should reward him something more special than simply cleaning his room and serving him food!"


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i meant to ask you Vava, what made you decide on giving Chryssi this new smaller form Vs keeping her in her original form? Cant wait to see her ovipositor being used hehe ^.^

Rose Lapin

OMG Chryssi in the maid outfit is way too damn cute! /)>v


meow i like Chrysalis in her smaller form she looks really cute and ohhhhh boy Cadence a little forwored of you to just come out and say Chrysalis shod go and sleep with Shining Armor

Drago Whooves

I like where this is going