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"You can’t die yet. You still have a role to play in this world…your race still needs you." Shining said, reaching up a hoof to lift her sunken head so she could look around them; so that she can see so many Changelings around them, finding with a heavy heart that some of her fellow Changelings were indeed dead in their own craters, not having the strength to survive as she'd feared, and some were badly injured. But, to her happy surprise, the Queen found that most had lived, and that some even had enough strength to stand and watch their queen and this pony with her on his back pass by.

The Queen was now near tears; if some of her siblings and race still lived, she was still their queen, and all of the misery and hardship that brought with it was still upon her. "No…please…leave me! I don’t want to be a queen anymore, I never did! This role is too hard and too painful for me to bear…I'm a failure of a queen!" she wailed, "I'd rather die!"

Shining Armor shook his head. "I can't do that. You don’t have to be a struggling queen anymore! Let me help you. Let us ponies help you! You don’t have to face this starvation crisis alone anymore, and you never did have to. Come with me, we can ask Princess Celestia for help like you should have instead of invading us. Let her help your kind, your siblings. You don’t have to be a lone queen and carry this burden all by yourself."

The Queen was shocked by Shining's words, and what they implied. "I…I don’t have to be a queen anymore? C…can I be myself if I go with you? That's all I ever wanted..." the Queen said, her voice seeming more calm and sweet; not sounding like the voice of an evil dictator anymore, but instead a young, hopeful filly.

"Yes…you can be anypony you want to be. You don’t have to be anypony but yourself now…" Shining promised, daring to give the hoof of the mare on his back a nuzzle.

The Queen smiled for the first time in what felt like forever as she slid off of Shining's back and stood in front of him, shedding away her second disguise, showing her true self that was hiding underneath the fake facade of a fearsome Changeling Queen; the body of young Changeling mare. Her body shrunk somewhat, losing its terrifying height and stance, instead looking the height of any other mare, save still looking like a Changeling. The change strongly reminded Shining of the difference between Princess Luna when she dressed up for Nightmare Night as Nightmare Moon, and her normal self; the first simply being a scary facade, while the second was her true self.

Overall, the Queen's natural form looked a lot more cute than scary to Shining. The most striking change, however, was that of her expression. Instead of a hard, stern scowl and piercing gaze, her expression was one of a calm, happy mare, with her even holding a small smile on her lips, her eyelids slightly drooping in relaxation. A look that very much suited her.

Shining Armor was completely stunned at the stark difference between the appearances of the old and new Queen, even if they were fairly subtle. "AAAaaaw! You are so adorable!" Shining said with a huge smile, not even noticing the hint of teasing it held until he'd said it.

The Queen grimaced. "S…Shut up! A q-queen's not supposed to be adorable! A strong, fearsome queen is what I had to be, to make our enemy fear us Changelings." The Queen walked up to Shining, placing a hoof on his shoulder, "Nopony wants to follow a ruler that looks this small and weak. I had to take that false appearance to make my kind respect me; to make every Changeling believe in their queen and always have hope that a large, powerful-looking queen can save them. That is why I had to hide this real me under that fearsome form ever since my mother passed away and the title of 'Queen' was passed down to me."

Shining Armor smiled and once more lifted the changed queen onto his back, before starting to walk with the smaller Changeling Queen on his back, with Equestria's border as his destination. Every surviving Changeling that had crashed around the queen started to walk after him as well.

"Come, Changelings. You don’t need to starve anymore. If you follow me and your queen, you will be fed and safe." 

Shining promised, before looking back at the queen on his back. "Can I know your real name? I want to know the real you."

The queen merely smiled, happy to tell him. "I was named Queen Chrysalis but…no…not anymore. I am not a queen. My name...just call me...Chrysalis."


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Should of drawn what her small mare formed looked like


awwwww this story is so good