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I love the first development news after the release of a new version. All the main work is just ahead and you can already share your plan to get it done.

And now there's just something special to tell you.

First of all, we have finally begun to change our approach at the beginning of the development of the upcoming version 1.25.

As you can probably guess, the basic scenario of the game from start to finish has been created quite a long time ago. Around the time when we started with version 0.65 we were seriously aiming for more quality improvements, we already had a clear idea of how to finish the game. But every single event was created by the coder along the way. That is, he literally came up with the event, we discussed it, and after the discussion, I drew it.

And if in the beginning, it worked, the more complicated and wider the game became, the worse this method was in realization. Until it completely failed to meet our increased quality standards.

And finally, after the release of version 1.15, we were able to have a very thoughtful discussion about which direction we needed to go in order to be able to further improve our skills without losing the inspiration for our work.
It was decided to complicate an already established system.

For version 1.25 all the roles have already been arranged and future events with a more in-depth description of future scenes have been fully written. Although it took a lot of discussion and debate, we got through it.

The coder gives me more creative freedom in the little things, which allows me to approach my work without having to look back at rigid frames.

Thanks to these innovations, I can better understand what is ultimately required of me and make appropriate conclusions. I think this will have a positive effect on the speed of drawing.

You might say, "What kind of news is this! You should have discussed everything beforehand from the very beginning, nothing has changed."

And I partly agree with you, but only partly.
It's always better to see from the outside how best to proceed after the fact.

Not having enough experience in the development of a really big game, we could not know all the subtleties we would encounter.

And now when we have that experience, we try to use it to the best of our ability to make things better.

Will it work?
It will if we keep trying that hard.

Well, I hope we've got the technical side of the question a little bit sorted out and managed to bring you important things.

Now, as for who will be represented in version 1.25

The actors are: Maiko, Rachel, Princess+Maid, and Hannah (her interactions with....*spoiler*)

Let me tell you a little bit about what awaits you with Maiko.

While usually we go to her basement and have night games there, in the new version things are going to be a lot more complicated. The manager will finally begin to reveal herself as a full-fledged antagonist.

Finally, knowing all the twists and turns of the upcoming version beforehand makes it very hard for me not to spill anything.

I'm like the actor Tom Holland if you know what I mean.




This is what you do for a complicated project, adapt the process as you go! Keep up the good work!


Oh boy, can't wait, hope it's going to be spicy! (Tom would have already spilled the beans ❤️)

Vladimir Smirnoff

Thanks for the game! Will The Thing appear in the game without a mask? Intrigued by the talents of this character))


I've been dying for a Princess-focused update! ty :)