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I didn't want to bother you with this news until the end, but now when it's confirmed, I conclude that I have been infected too.

There's no doubt now that I have a COVID-19.

For 4 days in a row, my temperature is kept at 38 degrees Celsius and is not going to decrease, also I have severe headaches, weakness in the whole body and the most unpleasant in this situation is a complete loss of smell.

I don't smell anything at all, and it scares me a little (especially the information on the Internet that the sense of smell may not fully recover).

To my great regret, I seem to have infected the coder when we had another game discussion (he only has a fever with headaches so far, no additional consequences).
I hope he won't get sick like me, or worse.

Yesterday I called a doctor to my house and after listening to my lungs the doctor encouraged me with the news that he didn't hear any wheezing in my lungs and it's a good prognosis for me.

In 2-4 days I will have to come to the hospital and take a COVID-19 antibody test, after that it will be possible to make a full conclusion about my condition.

I thought I wouldn't get this disease and I took all measures to make sure it didn't happen, but apparently fate decided otherwise.

Now I've made sure once again that this is not a joke and the problem is real.

Bottom line - even in this situation, I try not to give up the game completely or even a little but to keep developing.

 As soon as I feel any better, I will share another portion of spoilers and game news.


Kawaii poni

Ну что сказать попровляйся новость неожиданная но мы все люди и все мы болеем поэтому выздоравливай я лично жду твоего контента! Удачи в лечении но скажу сразу что примерно на 2 недели мы тебя точно потеряем)

Kaede Kagami

From someone that got it before and spend a whole week at the hospital : "Just think about resting !" Most importantly, at any sign of difficulty to breath or feeling a bit weak, like you have no strength in your muscles, check your oxygen level (device are easy bought on amazon and so on). Don't push yourself and be careful. I hope you'll get better soon.


Get well!


Thanks to everyone for kind words! With your support, I'll recover faster.

Ruben Olvera

I am so sorry, rest up and I hope for a speedy recovery. Get well soon.

Jaime Diaz

Get Better..


Your sense of smell comes back


Oh no. I hope you get better swiftly and safely.


feel better soon hun, don't take any unnessisary risks, same to your programmer


Keep well and I hope you and our coder friend will also recover


Get better, dont die, gimme game 😘👍


Take some time to rest man, same to your friend, I dont want the worst to happen to you, take care.


Lets not jump to the answer yet, maybe you were just having a normal common cold(They have the same symptom).


Rest is the most important thing, stay hydrated and eat healthy. Don't worry about the game until you are feeling better!


speedy recovery !


We can wait. Just focus on getting better. Your programmer as well. Stay safe guys.


keep safe, bud