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Alright, something new, or perhaps I should say something I have not done in a very very long time.

Despite DOA being my main focus for renders, I used to also make renders for final fantasy characters, Scarlet and Tifa mostly. I had a particular interest in Scarlet and used to make renders for her quite often. Eventually I couldn't come up with ideas for final fantasy characters, so I just continued with the DOA renders, and very rarely throw in renders from other series. Earlier today, I had this idea of a Scarlet render coming up in my mind, and I believe it's the chance for me to do it.

In this render project, I'll be using the Scarlet model and, most fittingly, Scarlet's lab scene model. Both models are extremely well made already, so there'll not be a lot to adjust. I'll mainly have a go with the Scarlet model's shape keys for some minor alterations.

The lighting in this scene will be in a cold color, since this is how the scene looks in the game. This will be quite different to my usual warm colour approach, but I think it'll be an interesting opportunity to try it.

This will be a smaller render set, so perhaps one or two poses in a couple of angles. As a result, it should be done rather quickly. I'll upload this soon, perhaps after another one of my render set (that one is in post processing phase).

Last but not least, I'm thinking of whether I should render an image using the angle shown in the screenshot. Basically, I just zoomed in for the sake of taking this screenshot, but idk it looks pretty nice. What do you think? Should I make that into a render image?




Yes, this zoomed in shot is great. Who doesn't like big tits? But more importantly, I legit forgot you used to make FF stuff besides DoA. I would absolutely support it if you want to expand into whatever different franchise you want to. I follow you for your work, not because you make DoA stuff. And yeah, I am damned excited for this one.


Although DOA is my main focus, sometimes I will also wanna dig into other gaming series when I see their nice female characters. Apart from those in final fantasy, I also wanted to try a few more like Ada Wong and Lara Croft. Anyways, thank you for your support, and I'm also excited for this render project