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A couple of days ago, I was browsing through my works and decided to check the character poll that I posted a while ago. That's when I saw an extra vote on Leifang. As a result, here I am, working on my first render of Leifang.

To be honest, I wasn't too keen on Leifang when I first got into DOA. She's by no means a bad-looking or a bad character, I just didn't have too much interest in her. Days went on, I was looking for some characters that I hadn't tried before, and I finally decided to include Leifang. Why did I have this decision? Probably due to some Leifang R18 works I saw a while ago ;P

In this work, I am picturing a beach scene for her, a perfect fit for that sexy swimsuit she's wearing. Moreover, there will be a nude version as well. Brace yourself for the render of this Chinese beauty




Leifang was never even one of my favorites. But every time I see nude pics of her, I am amazed by how beautiful her boobs are. So, I guess I know exactly how you felt in that situation (+ she's Hitomis buddy :p). Looking forward to this. 👍


Ah yes, you just reminded me about Leifang and Hitomi. I can probably do sth about it